RAD Studio VCL Reference
Plays the media loaded in the open multimedia device.
procedure Play;
__fastcall Play();
Play is called when the Play button on the media player control is clicked at runtime.
Upon completion, Play stores a numerical error code in the Error property and the corresponding error message in the ErrorMessage property.
The Wait property determines whether control is returned to the application before the Play method has completed. The Notify property determines whether Play generates an OnNotify event.
If the StartPos property is set, playing starts at the position specified in StartPos. Otherwise, playing starts at the current position, specified in the Position property. Similarly, if the EndPos property is set, playing stops at the position specified in EndPos. Otherwise, playing stops at the end of the medium.
Whether the medium (specified in the Position property) is rewound before playing starts depends on the AutoRewind property.
C++ Examples:
// //This example demonstrates the use of TMediaPlayer component. Assuming 2 buttons //for Open and Stop are present on the form. //Note: AutoEnable must be set to false to be able to control //the buttons manually. // void __fastcall TForm2::btOpenClick(TObject *Sender) { TOpenDialog* OpenMediaDialog; OpenMediaDialog = new TOpenDialog(this); OpenMediaDialog->Filter = "All Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi"; // There are avi files in // C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\CoolStuff if (OpenMediaDialog->Execute()) { /* Assign a file to the media player */ MediaPlayer1->FileName = OpenMediaDialog->FileName; /* Check if the file exists and is not a directory */ if ((FileExists(OpenMediaDialog->FileName)) && (!DirectoryExists(OpenMediaDialog->FileName))) { /* Open the files */ MediaPlayer1->Wait = true; MediaPlayer1->Open(); MediaPlayer1->Play(); /* Override automatic button controlling */ MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet() << TMPBtnType::btPause << TMPBtnType::btStop << TMPBtnType::btPlay; /* Enable the stop button */ btStop->Enabled = true; btOpen->Enabled = false; } } delete OpenMediaDialog; } void __fastcall TForm2::btStopClick(TObject *Sender) { /* Stop and close the media */ MediaPlayer1->Stop(); MediaPlayer1->Close(); MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet(); /* Enable open button again */ btOpen->Enabled = true; } void __fastcall TForm2::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { /* Disable all buttons */ MediaPlayer1->AutoEnable = false; MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet(); } void __fastcall TForm2::MediaPlayer1PostClick(TObject *Sender, TMPBtnType Button) { if (Button == TMPBtnType::btStop) btStop->Click(); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the use of TMediaPlayer component. Assuming 2 buttons for Open and Stop are present on the form. Note: AutoEnable must be set to false to be able to control the buttons manually. } procedure TForm2.btOpenClick(Sender: TObject); var OpenMediaDialog : TOpenDialog; begin OpenMediaDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(Self); OpenMediaDialog.Filter := 'All Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi'; // There are avi files in // C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\CoolStuff if OpenMediaDialog.Execute() then begin { Assign a file to the media player } MediaPlayer1.FileName := OpenMediaDialog.FileName; { Check if the file exists and is not a directory } if (FileExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) and (not DirectoryExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) then begin { Open the files } MediaPlayer1.Wait := true; MediaPlayer1.Open; MediaPlayer1.Play; { Override automatic button controlling } MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := [TMPBtnType.btPause, TMPBtnType.btStop, TMPBtnType.btPlay]; { Enable the stop button } btStop.Enabled := true; btOpen.Enabled := false; end; end; OpenMediaDialog.Free; end; procedure TForm2.btStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Stop and close the media } MediaPlayer1.Stop; MediaPlayer1.Close; MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := []; { Enable open button again } btOpen.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { Disable all buttons } MediaPlayer1.AutoEnable := false; MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := []; end; procedure TForm2.MediaPlayer1PostClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TMPBtnType); begin if Button = TMPBtnType.btStop then btStop.Click; end;
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