RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies the opened or saved media file.
property FileName: string;
__property AnsiString FileName;
FileName specifies the media file to be opened by the Open method, or the file to save by the Save method.
At design time, use a file open dialog box to specify the FileName property by clicking the ellipsis button (...) in the Object Inspector.
C++ Examples:
// //This example demonstrates the use of TMediaPlayer component. Assuming 2 buttons //for Open and Stop are present on the form. //Note: AutoEnable must be set to false to be able to control //the buttons manually. // void __fastcall TForm2::btOpenClick(TObject *Sender) { TOpenDialog* OpenMediaDialog; OpenMediaDialog = new TOpenDialog(this); OpenMediaDialog->Filter = "All Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi"; // There are avi files in // C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\CoolStuff if (OpenMediaDialog->Execute()) { /* Assign a file to the media player */ MediaPlayer1->FileName = OpenMediaDialog->FileName; /* Check if the file exists and is not a directory */ if ((FileExists(OpenMediaDialog->FileName)) && (!DirectoryExists(OpenMediaDialog->FileName))) { /* Open the files */ MediaPlayer1->Wait = true; MediaPlayer1->Open(); MediaPlayer1->Play(); /* Override automatic button controlling */ MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet() << TMPBtnType::btPause << TMPBtnType::btStop << TMPBtnType::btPlay; /* Enable the stop button */ btStop->Enabled = true; btOpen->Enabled = false; } } delete OpenMediaDialog; } void __fastcall TForm2::btStopClick(TObject *Sender) { /* Stop and close the media */ MediaPlayer1->Stop(); MediaPlayer1->Close(); MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet(); /* Enable open button again */ btOpen->Enabled = true; } void __fastcall TForm2::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { /* Disable all buttons */ MediaPlayer1->AutoEnable = false; MediaPlayer1->EnabledButtons = TButtonSet(); } void __fastcall TForm2::MediaPlayer1PostClick(TObject *Sender, TMPBtnType Button) { if (Button == TMPBtnType::btStop) btStop->Click(); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates the use of TMediaPlayer component. Assuming 2 buttons for Open and Stop are present on the form. Note: AutoEnable must be set to false to be able to control the buttons manually. } procedure TForm2.btOpenClick(Sender: TObject); var OpenMediaDialog : TOpenDialog; begin OpenMediaDialog := TOpenDialog.Create(Self); OpenMediaDialog.Filter := 'All Video Files (*.avi)|*.avi'; // There are avi files in // C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documents\RAD Studio\6.0\Demos\DelphiWin32\VCLWin32\CoolStuff if OpenMediaDialog.Execute() then begin { Assign a file to the media player } MediaPlayer1.FileName := OpenMediaDialog.FileName; { Check if the file exists and is not a directory } if (FileExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) and (not DirectoryExists(OpenMediaDialog.FileName)) then begin { Open the files } MediaPlayer1.Wait := true; MediaPlayer1.Open; MediaPlayer1.Play; { Override automatic button controlling } MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := [TMPBtnType.btPause, TMPBtnType.btStop, TMPBtnType.btPlay]; { Enable the stop button } btStop.Enabled := true; btOpen.Enabled := false; end; end; OpenMediaDialog.Free; end; procedure TForm2.btStopClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Stop and close the media } MediaPlayer1.Stop; MediaPlayer1.Close; MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := []; { Enable open button again } btOpen.Enabled := true; end; procedure TForm2.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { Disable all buttons } MediaPlayer1.AutoEnable := false; MediaPlayer1.EnabledButtons := []; end; procedure TForm2.MediaPlayer1PostClick(Sender: TObject; Button: TMPBtnType); begin if Button = TMPBtnType.btStop then btStop.Click; end;
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