RAD Studio VCL Reference
Tests if a specified file exists.
function FileExists(const FileName: string): Boolean;
Boolean FileExists(const AnsiString FileName);
FileExists returns true if the file specified by FileName exists. If the file does not exist, FileExists returns false.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example uses a button, a string grid, and a Save dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the contents of the string grid are written to the specified file. Additional information is also written to the file so that it can be read easily with the FileRead function. Verify the file written after executing. */ #include <dir.h> void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { char szFileName[MAXFILE+4]; int iFileHandle; int iLength; if (SaveDialog1->Execute()) { if (FileExists(SaveDialog1->FileName)) { fnsplit(AnsiString(SaveDialog1->FileName).c_str(), 0, 0, szFileName, 0); strcat(szFileName, ".BAK"); RenameFile(SaveDialog1->FileName, szFileName); } iFileHandle = FileCreate(SaveDialog1->FileName); // Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. FileWrite(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->ColCount)), sizeof(StringGrid1->ColCount)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->RowCount)), sizeof(StringGrid1->RowCount)); for (int x=0;x<StringGrid1->ColCount;x++) { for (int y=0;y<StringGrid1->RowCount;y++) { // Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. iLength = StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length(); FileWrite(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&iLength), sizeof(iLength)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].t_str(), StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length()); } } FileClose(iFileHandle); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { StringGrid1->Cells[1][0] = "Column 1"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][0] = "Column 2"; StringGrid1->Cells[3][0] = "Column 3"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][0] = "Column 4"; StringGrid1->Cells[0][1] = "Row 1"; StringGrid1->Cells[1][1] = "Object"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][1] = "Pascal"; StringGrid1->Cells[3][1] = "is"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][1] = "excellent"; StringGrid1->Cells[0][2] = "Row 2"; StringGrid1->Cells[1][2] = "Delphi"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][2] = "is"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][2] = "RAD"; };
/* The following code prompts for confirmation before deleting a file. Create a file and then click on the button to select the file with a TOpenDialog. Click Yes to delete it. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { OpenDialog1->Title = "Delete File"; if (OpenDialog1->Execute()) { if (FileExists(OpenDialog1->FileName)) { if (MessageDlg( ("Do you really want to delete " + ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1->FileName) + "?"), mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbYes << mbNo, 0, mbNo) == mrYes) DeleteFile(OpenDialog1->FileName); } else MessageDlg(("File " + ExtractFileName(OpenDialog1->FileName) + " does not exist."), mtConfirmation, TMsgDlgButtons() << mbOK, 0); } }
/* The following example uses a button, a string grid, and an Open dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the specified file is opened, read into a buffer, and closed. Then the buffer is displayed in two columns of the string grid. The first time you use this app, you should do a "Fill Grid" and then "Write Grid to File". Always use files generated in this way to do a "Read File into Grid". */ // Read File to Grid #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { int iFileHandle; int iFileLength; int iBytesRead; int iLength; if (OpenDialog1->Execute()) { try { iFileHandle = FileOpen(OpenDialog1->FileName, fmOpenRead); iFileLength = FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,2); FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,0); iBytesRead = FileRead(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->ColCount)), 4); iBytesRead = FileRead(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->RowCount)), 4); for (int x = 0; x < StringGrid1->ColCount; x++) { for (int y = 0; y < StringGrid1->RowCount; y++) { // Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. FileRead(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&iLength), 4); std::auto_ptr<AnsiChar> pszBuffer(new AnsiChar[iLength + 1]); FileRead(iFileHandle, pszBuffer.get(), iLength); pszBuffer.get()[iLength] = 0; StringGrid1->Cells[x][y] = pszBuffer.get(); } } FileClose(iFileHandle); } catch(...) { #if defined(_DELPHI_STRING_UNICODE) Application->MessageBox( L"Can't perform one of the following file operations: Open, Seek, Read, Close.", L"File Error", IDOK); #else Application->MessageBox( "Can't perform one of the following file operations: Open, Seek, Read, Close.", "File Error", IDOK); #endif } } } // Write Grid into File #include <dir.h> void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender) { char szFileName[MAXFILE+4]; int iFileHandle; int iLength; if (SaveDialog1->Execute()) { if (FileExists(SaveDialog1->FileName)) { fnsplit(AnsiString(SaveDialog1->FileName).c_str(), 0, 0, szFileName, 0); strcat(szFileName, ".BAK"); RenameFile(SaveDialog1->FileName, szFileName); } iFileHandle = FileCreate(SaveDialog1->FileName); // Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. FileWrite(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->ColCount)), sizeof(StringGrid1->ColCount)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, reinterpret_cast<char *>(&(StringGrid1->RowCount)), sizeof(StringGrid1->RowCount)); for (int x=0;x<StringGrid1->ColCount;x++) { for (int y=0;y<StringGrid1->RowCount;y++) { // Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. iLength = StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length(); FileWrite(iFileHandle, (AnsiChar *)&iLength, sizeof(iLength)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].t_str(), StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length()); } } FileClose(iFileHandle); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example uses a button, a string grid, and a Save dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the contents of the string grid are written to the specified file. Additional information is also written to the file so that it can be read easily with the FileRead function. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var BackupName: string; FileHandle: Integer; StringLen: Integer; X, Y, I: Integer; colCountLength, rowCountLength: Integer; Buffer: PChar; cellString: string; begin if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin if FileExists(SaveDialog1.FileName) then begin BackupName := SysUtils.ExtractFileName(SaveDialog1.FileName); BackupName := ChangeFileExt(BackupName, '.BAK'); if not RenameFile(SaveDialog1.FileName, BackupName) then raise Exception.Create('Unable to create backup file.'); end; FileHandle := FileCreate(SaveDialog1.FileName); { Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. } colCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.ColCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, Pchar(StringGrid1.ColCount), colCountLength); rowCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.RowCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, PChar(StringGrid1.RowCount), rowCountLength); for X := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount - 1 do begin for Y := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin try { Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. } StringLen := Length(StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]); FileWrite(FileHandle, PChar(StringLen), SizeOf(StringLen)); GetMem(Buffer, StringLen); { allocate the buffer } cellString := StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]; for I := 1 to StringLen do Buffer[I - 1] := cellString[I]; FileWrite(FileHandle, Buffer^, StringLen); finally FreeMem(Buffer, StringLen); end; end; end; FileClose(FileHandle); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with StringGrid1 do begin Cells[1,0] := 'Column 1'; Cells[2,0] := 'Column 2'; Cells[3,0] := 'Column 3'; Cells[4,0] := 'Column 4'; Cells[0,1] := 'Row 1'; Cells[1,1] := 'Object'; Cells[2,1] := 'Pascal'; Cells[3,1] := 'is'; Cells[4,1] := 'excellent'; Cells[0,2] := 'Row 2'; Cells[1,2] := 'Delphi'; Cells[2,2] := 'is'; Cells[4,2] := 'RAD'; end; end;
{ The following code prompts for confirmation before deleting a file. Create a file and then enter the path and file name in the textfields. Click the button to delete it. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var FileName: string; begin Filename:= Edit1.Text; if SysUtils.FileExists(FileName) then begin if MessageDlg(('Do you really want to delete ' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + '?'), mtConfirmation, [mbYes, mbNo], 0, mbNo) = IDYes then DeleteFile(FileName); end else MessageDlg(('File ' + ExtractFileName(FileName) + ' does not exist.'), mtConfirmation, [mbOK], 0); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin Edit2.Text:= ExtractFilePath(Application.ExeName); end;
{ The following example uses a button, a string grid, and an Open dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the specified file is opened, read into a buffer, and closed. Then the buffer is displayed in two columns of the string grid. The first column contains the character values in the buffer. The second column contains the numeric values of the characters in the buffer. } // Read File to Grid procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var iFileHandle: Integer; iFileLength: Integer; iBytesRead: Integer; Buffer: PAnsiChar; X, Y, I: Integer; StringLen, colcnt, rowcnt: Integer; cellString: String; begin if OpenDialog1.Execute then begin try iFileHandle := SysUtils.FileOpen(OpenDialog1.FileName, fmOpenRead); iFileLength := SysUtils.FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,2); FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,0); // Buffer := PChar(System.AllocMem(iFileLength + 1)); // iBytesRead := SysUtils.FileRead(iFileHandle, Buffer^, iFileLength); // FileClose(iFileHandle); // iFileHandle := SysUtils.FileOpen(OpenDialog1.FileName, fmOpenRead); // iFileLength := SysUtils.FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,2); // FileSeek(iFileHandle,0,0); colcnt := StringGrid1.ColCount; iBytesRead := SysUtils.FileRead( iFileHandle, colcnt, 4); // 4 because it's an integer rowcnt := StringGrid1.RowCount; iBytesRead := SysUtils.FileRead( iFileHandle, rowcnt, 4); // 4 because it's an integer for X := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount - 1 do begin for Y := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin try iBytesRead := SysUtils.FileRead(iFileHandle, StringLen, 4); // 4 because it's an integer Buffer := System.AllocMem(StringLen + 1); // GetMem(Buffer, StringLen); { allocate the buffer } iBytesRead := SysUtils.FileRead(iFileHandle, Buffer^, StringLen); // for I := 1 to StringLen do // cellString[I] := Buffer[I - 1]; StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y] := AnsiString(Buffer); finally FreeMem(Buffer); end; end; end; finally FileClose(iFileHandle); end; end; end; // Write Grid into File procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var BackupName: string; FileHandle: Integer; StringLen: Integer; X, Y, I: Integer; colCountLength, rowCountLength: Integer; Buffer: PAnsiChar; cellString: AnsiString; begin if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin if FileExists(SaveDialog1.FileName) then begin BackupName := SysUtils.ExtractFileName(SaveDialog1.FileName); BackupName := ChangeFileExt(BackupName, '.BAK'); if not RenameFile(SaveDialog1.FileName, BackupName) then raise Exception.Create('Unable to create backup file.'); end; FileHandle := FileCreate(SaveDialog1.FileName); { Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. } colCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.ColCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, PAnsiChar(StringGrid1.ColCount), colCountLength); rowCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.RowCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, PAnsiChar(StringGrid1.RowCount), rowCountLength); for X := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount - 1 do begin for Y := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin try { Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. } StringLen := Length(StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]); FileWrite(FileHandle, PChar(StringLen), SizeOf(StringLen)); GetMem(Buffer, StringLen); { allocate the buffer } cellString := StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]; for I := 1 to StringLen do Buffer[I - 1] := cellString[I]; FileWrite(FileHandle, Buffer^, StringLen); finally FreeMem(Buffer, StringLen); end; end; end; FileClose(FileHandle); end; end;
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