RAD Studio
Understanding Service Protocols

Before you can write a network server or client, you must understand the service that your application is providing or using. Many services have standard protocols that your network application must support. If you are writing a network application for a standard service such as HTTP, FTP, or even finger or time, you must first understand the protocols used to communicate with other systems. See the documentation on the particular service you are providing or using. 

If you are providing a new service for an application that communicates with other systems, the first step is designing the communication protocol for the servers and clients of this service. What messages are sent? How are these messages coordinated? How is the information encoded?

Often, your network server or client application provides a layer between the networking software and an application that uses the service. For example, an HTTP server sits between the Internet and a Web server application that provides content and responds to HTTP request messages. 

Sockets provide the interface between your network server or client application and the networking software. You must provide the interface between your application and the clients that use it. You can copy the API of a standard third party server (such as Apache), or you can design and publish your own API. 

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