RAD Studio
Implementing services
Sockets provide one of the pieces you need to write network servers or client applications. For many services, such as HTTP or FTP, third party servers are readily available. Some are even bundled with the operating system, so that there is no need to write one yourself. However, when you want more control over the way the service is implemented, a tighter integration between your application and the network communication, or when no server is available for the particular service you need, then you may want to create your own server or client application. For example, when working with... more 
Most standard services are associated, by convention, with specific port numbers. When implementing services, you can consider the port number a numeric code for the service. 
Before you can write a network server or client, you must understand the service that your application is providing or using. Many services have standard protocols that your network application must support. If you are writing a network application for a standard service such as HTTP, FTP, or even finger or time, you must first understand the protocols used to communicate with other systems. See the documentation on the particular service you are providing or using.
If you are providing a new service for an application that communicates with other systems, the first step is designing the communication protocol for... more 
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