RAD Studio
Using Decision Pivots

The decision pivot component, TDecisionPivot, lets you open or close decision cube dimensions, or fields, by pressing buttons. When a row or column is opened by pressing a TDecisionPivot button, the corresponding dimension appears on the TDecisionGrid or TDecisionGraph component. When a dimension is closed, its detailed data doesn't appear; it collapses into the totals of other dimensions. A dimension may also be in a "drilled" state, where only the summaries for a particular value of the dimension field appear. 

You can also use the decision pivot to reorganize dimensions displayed in the decision grid and decision graph. Just drag a button to the row or column area or reorder buttons within the same area. 

For illustrations of decision pivots at design time, see the figures in Decision Support Components at Design TimeOne-dimensional Crosstab and Three-dimensional Crosstab. 

For information on special properties of TDecisionPivot, see Decision Pivot Properties.

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