RAD Studio
Using Decision Sources

The decision source component, TDecisionSource, defines the current pivot state of decision grids or decision graphs. Any two objects which use the same decision source also share pivot states. 

The following are some special properties and events that control the appearance and behavior of decision sources:

  • The ControlType property of TDecisionSource indicates whether the decision pivot buttons should act like check boxes (multiple selections) or radio buttons (mutually exclusive selections).
  • The SparseCols and SparseRows properties of TDecisionSource indicate whether to display columns or rows with no values; if True, sparse columns or rows are displayed.
TDecisionSource has the following events:
  • OnLayoutChange occurs when the user performs pivots or drill-downs that reorganize the data.
  • OnNewDimensions occurs when the data is completely altered, such as when the summary or dimension fields are altered.
  • OnSummaryChange occurs when the current summary is changed.
  • OnStateChange occurs when the Decision Cube activates or deactivates.
  • OnBeforePivot occurs when changes are committed but not yet reflected in the user interface. Developers have an opportunity to make changes, for example, in capacity or pivot state, before application users see the result of their previous action.
  • OnAfterPivot fires after a change in pivot state. Developers can capture information at that time.

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