RAD Studio VCL Reference
Provides the underlying implementation for the GetAdapterItemRequestParams method.
procedure ImplGetAdapterItemRequestParams(AHandler: IUnknown; AOptions: TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions; Params: IAdapterItemRequestParams); virtual;
virtual __fastcall ImplGetAdapterItemRequestParams(IUnknown AHandler, TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions AOptions, IAdapterItemRequestParams Params);
GetAdapterItemRequestParams calls ImplGetAdapterItemRequestParams to retrieve the parameters for a call to execute an adapter action or to fetch the value of an image field. This method fetches the requested parameters from the adapter interface, calls the AddSpecialParams method to add additional parameters for the return Web page, and then generates an OnGetAdapterRequestParams event so that you can make your own final adjustments to the parameter list.
AHandler is the interface of the adapter that requires the parameters to execute the action or produce the image field value.
AOptions is a set of flags that indicate what types of parameters should be included.
AParams is an interface for reading and writing parameter values. ImplGetAdapterItemRequestParams uses this interface to write the parameter values.
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