RAD Studio VCL Reference
Provides the underlying implementation for the EncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF method.
function ImplEncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF(AHandler: IUnknown; AOptions: TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions): string; virtual;
virtual __fastcall AnsiString ImplEncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF(IUnknown AHandler, TAdapterItemRequestParamOptions AOptions);
The EncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF method calls ImplEncodeAdapterItemRequestAsFieldValue to retrieve a set of parameters formatted as the parameters to an anchor tag in an HTML form. ImplEncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF calls GetAdapterItemRequestParams to fetch the parameter values, and then formats them.
AHandler is the interface of the adapter whose action or image field requires the parameters.
AOptions is a set of flags that indicate what types of parameters to include.
EncodeAdapterItemRequestAsHREF returns the parameter string.
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