RAD Studio VCL Reference
EExternal is the exception class that captures external error information.
EExternal = class(Exception);
class EExternal : public Exception;
EExternal is the ancestor of all exception classes that represent external run time errors.
type PExceptionRecord = ^TExceptionRecord; TExceptionRecord = record ExceptionCode: Cardinal; ExceptionFlags: Cardinal; ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord; ExceptionAddress: Pointer; NumberParameters: Cardinal; ExceptionInformation: array[0..14] of Cardinal; end;
ExceptionRecord: PExceptionRecord;
//C++ syntax
struct TExceptionRecord; typedef TExceptionRecord *PExceptionRecord; struct TExceptionRecord { unsigned ExceptionCode; unsigned ExceptionFlags; TExceptionRecord *ExceptionRecord; void *ExceptionAddress; unsigned NumberParameters; unsigned ExceptionInformation[15]; } ;
AccessAddress, the address that was being accessed when the error occurred;
SignalNumber, for exceptions raised by Linux signals.
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