RAD Studio VCL Reference

The following table lists classes in this documentation.

EAbort is the exception class for errors that should not display an error message dialog box. 
EAbstractError is the exception class for attempts to call an abstract method. 
EAccessViolation is the exception class for invalid memory access errors. 
This is class SysUtils.EArgumentException. 
This is class SysUtils.EArgumentOutOfRangeException. 
EAssertionFailed is the exception class for Delphi assertion failure. 
EControlC is the exception class for user interrupts. 
EConvertError is the exception class for string and object conversion errors. 
EDivByZero is the exception class for integer divide-by-zero errors. 
This is class SysUtils.EEncodingError. 
EExternal is the exception class that captures external error information. 
EExternalException is the exception class for invalid exception codes. 
EHeapException is the exception class for errors related to heap-allocated memory. 
EInOutError is the exception class for file input/output errors. 
EIntError is the base class for integer math error exceptions. 
EIntfCastError is the exception class for interface casting errors. 
EIntOverflow is the exception class for integer calculations whose results are too large to fit in the allocated register. 
EInvalidCast is an exception class for typecasting errors. 
This is class SysUtils.EInvalidContainer. 
This is class SysUtils.EInvalidInsert. 
EInvalidOp is the exception class for undefined floating-point operations. 
EInvalidPointer is the exception class for invalid pointer operations. 
EMathError is the base exception class for floating-point math errors. 
This is class SysUtils.EMonitor. 
This is class SysUtils.EMonitorLockException. 
This is class SysUtils.ENoConstructException. 
This is class SysUtils.ENoMonitorSupportException. 
EOSError is the exception class for operating system errors. 
EOutOfMemory is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to allocate memory. 
EOverflow is the exception class for floating-point register overflows. 
EPackageError is the exception class for package-related errors. 
EPrivilege is the exception class for processor privilege violations. 
This is class SysUtils.EProgrammerNotFound. 
EPropReadOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to write to a property using OLE automation. 
EPropWriteOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to read a property using OLE automation. 
ERangeError is the exception for Delphi range errors. 
ESafecallException is the exception for problems with the safecall calling convention. 
EStackOverflow is the exception class for stack overflows. 
EUnderflow is the exception class for values that are too small to be represented with a floating-point variable. 
EVariantError is the exception class for errors involving Variant data types. 
EWin32Error is the exception class for Windows errors. 
Exception is the base class for all runtime exceptions. 
EZeroDivide is the exception class for floating-point divide-by-zero errors. 
This is class SysUtils.TBigEndianUnicodeEncoding. 
TEncoding is a class that defines a specific encoding for a character or string. 
TLanguages lists all available Windows locales. 
This is class SysUtils.TMBCSEncoding. 
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer protects memory in a multi-threaded application. 
This is class SysUtils.TSimpleRWSync. 
An editable array of characters whose contents has all the functionality of a string object. 
This is class SysUtils.TThreadLocalCounter. 
This is class SysUtils.TUnicodeEncoding. 
This is class SysUtils.TUTF7Encoding. 
This is class SysUtils.TUTF8Encoding. 
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