RAD Studio VCL Reference
Determines how the control aligns within its container (parent control).
property Align: TAlign;
__property TAlign Align;
Use Align to align a control to the top, bottom, left, or right of a form or panel and have it remain there even if the size of the form, panel, or component that contains the control changes. When the parent is resized, an aligned control also resizes so that it continues to span the top, bottom, left, or right edge of the parent.
For example, to use a panel component with various controls on it as a tool palette, change the panel's Align value to alLeft. The value of alLeft for the Align property of the panel guarantees that the tool palette remains on the left side of the form and always equals the client height of the form.
The default value of Align is alNone, which means a control remains where it is positioned on a form or panel.
C++ Examples:
/* This example shows how to use a splitter to divide a form into resizable panes. All objects on the form are created dynamically in the OnCreate event handler of the form. To run this example, add ExtCtrls and FileCtrl to the uses clause of the form’s implementation section. Note that when creating a splitter dynamically at runtime, it is important to set its position to the appropriate side of the control it will resize. */ void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { TSplitter* ps = new TSplitter(Form1); // These objects will all be cleaned up by the owner (Form1). TFileListBox* pflb = new TFileListBox(Form1); // The parent (Form1) will clean up these objects. TDirectoryListBox* pdlb = new TDirectoryListBox(Form1); // Line up the directory list box on the left of the form. pdlb->Parent = Form1; pdlb->Align = alLeft; pdlb->Width = Form1->ClientWidth/3; // Now use the splitter to divide the directory pane from the file pane. ps->Parent = Form1; ps->Left = pdlb->Left + pdlb->Width + 1; // Move to right of directory list. ps->Align = pdlb->Align; // Give same alignment as directory list. // Each pane must be at least one quarter of the form's width. ps->MinSize = Form1->ClientWidth/4; // Finally, create the last pane - a file list box. pflb->Parent = Form1; pflb->Align = alClient; pdlb->FileList = pflb; // Link the file list box to the directory list box. }
/* Dynamically create a TProgressBar control and align it to the bottom of the form. */ #include <ComCtrls.hpp> #include <Controls.hpp> void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TProgressBar *ProgressBar = new TProgressBar(this); // The owner will clean this up. ProgressBar->Parent = this; ProgressBar->Align = alBottom; TButton *Button1 = new TButton(this); // The owner will clean this up. Button1->Parent = this; }
/* This example dynamically creates a Page Control, then a series of Tab Sheets on the Page Control. */ #include <Comctrls.hpp> TPageControl* ppc; const int MAXTABS = 3; TTabSheet* pts[MAXTABS]; const char * ppcTabTitles[] = { "ShortString", "Orders", "Items", "Parts" }; int iTabTitles = sizeof(ppcTabTitles)/sizeof(ppcTabTitles[0]); const TColor colorPalette[12] = { clRed, clGreen, clYellow, clBlue, clWhite, clFuchsia, clTeal, clNavy, clMaroon, clLime, clOlive, clPurple}; void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { ppc = new TPageControl(this); // The owner (this) will clean this up. ppc->Parent = this; ppc->Align = alClient; for (int i=0;i<iTabTitles;i++) { pts[i] = new TTabSheet(this); // The owner (this) will clean this up. pts[i]->PageControl = ppc; pts[i]->Name = AnsiString("pts") + ppcTabTitles[i]; pts[i]->Caption = ppcTabTitles[i]; pts[i]->Brush->Color = colorPalette[i]; } }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example shows how to use a splitter to divide a form into resizable panes. All objects on the form are created dynamically in the OnCreate event handler of the form. To run this example, add ExtCtrls and FileCtrl to the uses clause of the form’s implementation section. Note that when creating a splitter dynamically at runtime, it is important to set its position to the appropriate side of the control it will resize. } procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var Split: TSplitter; Files: TFileListBox; Dirs: TDirectoryListBox; begin { first add a directory list box to the form } Dirs := TDirectoryListBox.Create(Form1); { line it up on the left of the form } Dirs.Parent := Form1; Dirs.Align := alLeft; Dirs.Width := Form1.ClientWidth div 3; { now add the splitter to divide the directory pane from the file pane } Split := TSplitter.Create(Form1); Split.Parent := Form1; { make sure the splitter is to the right of the directory list box! } Split.Left := Dirs.Left + Dirs.Width + 1; Split.Align := Dirs.Align; { give it the same alignment as the directory } { each pane must be at least one quarter of the form’s width } Split.MinSize := Form1.ClientWidth div 4; { Finally, create the last pane – a file list box } Files := TFileListBox.Create(Form1); Files.Parent := Form1; Files.Align := alClient; Dirs.FileList := Files; { link the file list box to the directory list box } end;
{ This example dynamically creates a Page Control, then a series of Tab Sheets on the Page Control. } var PageControl1: TPageControl; pts: array[0..3] of TTabSheet; const TabTitles: array[0..3] of ShortString = ('Customer', 'Orders', 'Items', 'Parts' ); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const colorpalette: Array[0..11] of TColor = ( clRed, clGreen, clYellow, clBlue, clWhite, clFuchsia, clTeal, clNavy, clMaroon, clLime, clOlive, clPurple); var i: Integer; begin PageControl1 := TPageControl.Create(Self); PageControl1.Parent := Self; PageControl1.Align := alClient; for i := Low(TabTitles) to High(TabTitles) do begin pts[i]:= TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with pts[i] do begin PageControl := PageControl1; Name := 'ts' + TabTitles[i]; Caption := TabTitles[i]; Brush.Color := colorPalette[i]; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(TabTitles) to High(TabTitles) do begin pts[i].Free; end; PageControl1.Free; end;
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