Returns the lowest value in a range.
procedure Low(X);
Low( X);
In Delphi code, call Low to obtain the lowest value or first element of an Ordinal, Array or ShortString. Result type is X, or the index type of X where X is either a type identifier or a variable reference.
Type |
Low returns |
Ordinal type (includes Int64) |
The lowest value in the range of the type |
Array type |
The lowest value within the range of the index type of the array |
short string type |
Returns 0 |
Open array |
Returns 0 |
short string parameter |
Returns 0 |
Delphi Examples:
{ This example requires a button and two list boxes. Two lists of floating point numbers are generated initially and displayed in the list boxes. Clicking the button sums the lists. Notice that the range of the list arrays can be any integers, as long as Low is less than High. } var List1: array[0..3] of Double; List2: array[5..17] of Double; function Sum( var X: array of Double): Double; var I: Word; S: Real; begin S := 0; { Note that open array index range is always zero-based. } for I := 0 to High(X) do S := S + X[I]; Sum := S; end; procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var S, TempStr: string; begin Str(Sum(List1):4:2, S); S := 'Sum of List1: ' + S + #13#10; S := S + 'Sum of List2: '; Str(Sum(List2):4:2, TempStr); S := S + TempStr; MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); var X: Word; begin for X := Low(List1) to High(List1) do begin List1[X] := X * 3.4; ListBox1.Items.Add(FloatToStr(List1[X])); end; for X := Low(List2) to High(List2) do begin List2[X] := X * 0.0123; ListBox2.Items.Add(FloatToStr(List2[X])); end; end;
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