RAD Studio VCL Reference
Creates a subkey under the root key and loads registry information from a file into the newly created subkey.
function LoadKey(const Key: string; const FileName: string): Boolean;
__fastcall Boolean LoadKey(const AnsiString Key, const AnsiString FileName);
Call LoadKey to:
1Create a new subkey under the root key, and
2Load registry information from a file into the subkey. Registry information can include data values, subkeys, and data values for those subkeys.
LoadKey is intended to simplify creation of a key, its values and subkeys, and the values for those subkeys in a single operation. A key, its subkeys, and all data values of the key and its subkeys is called a hive. Rather than creating each key and value separately, an application can read a hive from a file. This is especially useful for applications that users can reconfigure at run time.
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