RAD Studio VCL Reference
TRegistry.CreateKey Method

Creates a new key in the registry.

function CreateKey(const Key: string): Boolean;
__fastcall Boolean CreateKey(const AnsiString Key);

Use CreateKey to add a new key to the registry. Key is the name of the key to create. Key can be an absolute or relative name. An absolute key begins with a backslash (\) and is a subkey of the root key. A relative key is a subkey of the current key. 

CreateKey returns true if key creation is successful. On error, an exception is raised. Attempting to create a key that already exists has no effect. 

CreateKey creates only non-volatile keys. If you need to create volatile keys on Windows NT, you must call the Windows API directly. 

CreateKey creates keys with a security access of KEY_ALL_ACCESS. If you need to create keys with more restricted access, you must call the Windows API directly. 

A key created by CreateKey has no values. To set key values, use the WriteCurrency, WriteBinaryData, WriteBool, WriteDate, WriteDateTime, WriteFloat, WriteInteger, WriteString, or WriteTime procedures. 


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