RAD Studio VCL Reference
Returns the handle to the bitmap so that the TBitmap object no longer knows about the handle.
function ReleaseHandle: HBITMAP;
__fastcall HBITMAP ReleaseHandle();
Use ReleaseHandle to disassociate the bitmap from the bitmap handle. Use it when you need to give a bitmap handle to a routine or object that will assume ownership (or destroy) the bitmap handle.
C++ Examples:
/* This example uses a button on a form and creates two bitmaps dynamically. One bitmap is monchrome, which means all non-white colors become black. The bitmap file path is relative to the Debug directory. Note: For the C++ Builder, capitalization matters for the file name and path. */ #include <memory> //for STL auto_ptr class void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { std::auto_ptr<Graphics::TBitmap> Bitmap1(new Graphics::TBitmap()); std::auto_ptr<Graphics::TBitmap> Bitmap2(new Graphics::TBitmap()); try { Bitmap1->LoadFromFile("..\\FACTORY.BMP"); Bitmap2->Assign(Bitmap1.get()); // Copy Bitmap1 into Bitmap2 Bitmap2->Dormant(); // Free up GDI resources Bitmap2->FreeImage(); // Free up Memory. Canvas->Draw(20, 20, Bitmap2.get()); // Note that previous calls don't lose the image Bitmap2->Monochrome = true; Canvas->Draw(80, 80, Bitmap2.get()); Bitmap2->ReleaseHandle(); // This will actually lose the bitmap; } catch (...) { MessageBeep(0); } }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example uses a button on a form and creates two bitmaps dynamically. One bitmap is monchrome, which means all non-white colors become black. The bitmap file path is relative to the Debug directory. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var BitMap1,BitMap2 : TBitMap; MyFormat : Word; begin BitMap2 := TBitMap.Create; BitMap1 := TBitMap.Create; try BitMap1.LoadFromFile('factory.bmp'); BitMap2.Assign(BitMap1); // Copy BitMap1 into BitMap2 BitMap2.Dormant; // Free up GDI resources BitMap2.FreeImage; // Free up Memory. Canvas.Draw(20,20,BitMap2); // Note that previous calls don't lose the image BitMap2.Monochrome := true; Canvas.Draw(80,80,BitMap2); BitMap2.ReleaseHandle; // This will actually lose the bitmap; finally BitMap1.Free; BitMap2.Free; end; end;
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