RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a small integer field.
property AsSmallInt: LongInt;
__property LongInt AsSmallInt;
Set AsSmallInt to assign the value for a small integer field to the parameter. Setting AsSmallInt sets the DataType property to ftSmallint.
Read the AsSmallInt property to determine the value that was assigned to an output parameter, represented as a 32-bit integer. The value of the parameter is converted to a LongInt value if possible.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example fills in the parameters of a client dataset from the entries of a list box. } procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ListItem: string; begin { Call FetchParams to ensure parameters reflect server metadata } ClientDataSet1.FetchParams; with ClientDataSet1.Params do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin ListItem := ListBox1.Items[I]; case Items[I].DataType of ftString: Items[I].AsString := ListItem; ftSmallInt: Items[I].AsSmallInt := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftInteger: Items[I].AsInteger := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftWord: Items[I].AsWord := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftBoolean: begin if ListItem = 'True' then Items[I].AsBoolean := True else Items[I].AsBoolean := False; end; ftFloat: Items[I].AsFloat := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftCurrency: Items[I].AsCurrency := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftBCD: Items[I].AsBCD := StrToCurr(ListItem); ftDate: Items[I].AsDate := StrToDate(ListItem); ftTime: Items[I].AsTime := StrToTime(ListItem); ftDateTime: Items[I].AsDateTime := StrToDateTime(ListItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add('Here is a string'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4'); ListBox1.Items.Add('3456789'); ListBox1.Items.Add('34'); ListBox1.Items.Add('0'); ListBox1.Items.Add('12.56'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4.23'); ListBox1.Items.Add('99.5'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53'); ListBox1.Items.Add('7:45:00'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53 7:45:00'); end;
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