RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies the value of the parameter when it represents a float field.
property AsFloat: Double;
__property Double AsFloat;
Set AsFloat to assign the value for a float field to the parameter. Setting AsFloat sets the DataType property to ftFloat.
Read the AsFloat property to determine the value that was assigned to an output parameter, represented as a double. The value of the parameter is converted to a double value if possible.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example fills in the parameters of a client dataset from the entries of a list box. } procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ListItem: string; begin { Call FetchParams to ensure parameters reflect server metadata } ClientDataSet1.FetchParams; with ClientDataSet1.Params do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin ListItem := ListBox1.Items[I]; case Items[I].DataType of ftString: Items[I].AsString := ListItem; ftSmallInt: Items[I].AsSmallInt := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftInteger: Items[I].AsInteger := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftWord: Items[I].AsWord := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftBoolean: begin if ListItem = 'True' then Items[I].AsBoolean := True else Items[I].AsBoolean := False; end; ftFloat: Items[I].AsFloat := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftCurrency: Items[I].AsCurrency := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftBCD: Items[I].AsBCD := StrToCurr(ListItem); ftDate: Items[I].AsDate := StrToDate(ListItem); ftTime: Items[I].AsTime := StrToTime(ListItem); ftDateTime: Items[I].AsDateTime := StrToDateTime(ListItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add('Here is a string'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4'); ListBox1.Items.Add('3456789'); ListBox1.Items.Add('34'); ListBox1.Items.Add('0'); ListBox1.Items.Add('12.56'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4.23'); ListBox1.Items.Add('99.5'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53'); ListBox1.Items.Add('7:45:00'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53 7:45:00'); end;
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