RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies the dataset for which the data source component serves as a conduit to data-aware controls or other datasets.
property DataSet: TDataSet;
__property TDataSet DataSet;
Set DataSet to the name of an existing dataset component either at design time, or at runtime. By changing the value of DataSet at runtime an application can effectively use the same data-aware controls to display and edit data in different datasets.
DataSource.DataSet := ClientDataSet1;
DataSource->DataSet = ClientDataSet1;
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example copies the selected rows in a db grid to a list box. Set the db grid Options dgRowSelect, dgAlwaysShowSelection and dgMultiSelect to True. Make a multiple selecton using the CNTL key. This example requires a TDataSet associated with a TDataSource and a TDBGrid.} procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); var i, j: Integer; s: string; begin if DBGrid2.SelectedRows.Count>0 then with DBGrid2.DataSource.DataSet do for i:=0 to DBGrid2.SelectedRows.Count-1 do begin GotoBookmark(DBGrid2.SelectedRows.Items[i]); for j := 0 to FieldCount-1 do begin if (j>0) then s:=s+', '; s := s + FindField(Fields.Fields[j].FieldName).AsString; end; Listbox1.Items.Add(s); s:= ''; end; end;
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