RAD Studio VCL Reference
System.Include Function

Adds an element to a Delphi set or adds an event handler in .NET applications.

procedure Include(var S: set of T; I: T);
Include(set of T S, T I);

When the first argument of Include is a set type variable, Include adds an element to the set. The expression Include(S,I) corresponds to S := S + [I], where S is a set type variable, and I is an expression of a type compatible with the base type of S. The Include procedure generates more efficient code than using the + operator. 

On the .NET platform, Include is overloaded. When the first argument of Include is a multicast event, and the second argument is an event handler, Include adds the event handler as a listener to the event.  

Delphi Examples: 


This example demonstrates the use of Include and Exclude routines.
The example assumes a form with three checkboxes and a button. Also
a field called FMsgButtons of type TMsgDlgButtons is declared in the form.
procedure TOptionsForm.btShowMessageClick(Sender: TObject);
  //Creates a Message Dialog with the Selected Buttons
  MessageDlg('Hello World!', mtInformation, FMsgButtons, 0);

procedure TOptionsForm.CheckBoxClick(Sender: TObject);
  { Check wether an option is selected and add an element into a set,
    or exclude it from the set}

  if cbYes.Checked then
    Include(FMsgButtons, mbYes)
    Exclude(FMsgButtons, mbYes);

  if cbNo.Checked then
    Include(FMsgButtons, mbNo)
    Exclude(FMsgButtons, mbNo);

  if cbCancel.Checked then
    Include(FMsgButtons, mbCancel)
    Exclude(FMsgButtons, mbCancel);


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