RAD Studio VCL Reference
Finds a field based on its name.
function FieldByName(const FieldName: string): TField;
__fastcall TField FieldByName(const AnsiString FieldName);
Call FieldByName to retrieve field information for a field given its name. FieldName is the name of an existing field. FieldByName returns the TField component that represents the specified field. If the specified field does not exist, FieldByName raises an EDatabaseError exception.
FieldName can be the name of a simple field, the name of a subfield of an object field that has been qualified by the parent field's name, or the name of an aggregated field. Because of this flexibility, it is often preferable to use FieldByName rather than the Fields property or the AggFields property.
An application can directly access specific properties and methods of the field returned by FieldByName. For example, the following statement determines if a specified field is a calculated field:
if Customers.FieldByName('FullName').Calculated then MessageDlg(Format('%s is a calculated field. ', ['FullName']), mtInformation, [mbOK], 0);
if (Customers->FieldByName("FullName")->Calculated)
Application.ShowMessage("This is a calculated field", "FullName", MB_OK);
FieldByName is especially useful at design time for developers who are creating database applications, but do not have access to the underlying table and therefore cannot use persistent field components.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example copies the data in the Notes field of Table1 or SQLDataSet1 to the Remarks field of ClientDataSet1. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TBlobType blobType = Table1Notes->BlobType; TStream *Stream1 = new TBlobStream(Table1Notes, bmRead); try { CDS2->Edit(); // here’s a different way to create a blob stream } TStream *Stream2 = CDS2->CreateBlobStream(CDS2->FieldByName("Remarks"), bmReadWrite); try { Stream2->CopyFrom(Stream1, Stream1->Size); // CDS2.Post; // CDS2.Active := True; } __finally { delete Stream2; } } __finally { delete Stream1; } };
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example copies the data in the Notes field of Table1 or SQLDataSet1 to the Remarks field of ClientDataSet1. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Stream1: TBlobStream; Stream2: TStream; blobType : TBlobType; begin blobType := Table1Notes.BlobType; Stream1 := TBlobStream.Create(Table1Notes, bmRead); try CDS2.Edit; { here’s a different way to create a blob stream } Stream2 := CDS2.CreateBlobStream(CDS2.FieldByName('Remarks'), bmReadWrite); try Stream2.CopyFrom(Stream1, Stream1.Size); // CDS2.Post; // CDS2.Active := True; finally Stream2.Free; end; finally Stream1.Free; end; end;
{ This example uses the BeforeInsert event to do data validation. If the StrToInt function raises an exception, the edit control’s contents are set to a valid value so that the assignment to the INTEGER field in the dataset will succeed. Continuing after the exception causes a '0' to be placed in the PORTA field. DataSet design: This example requires a ClientDataSet, a DBGrid, a DataSource and a DBNavigator. Name the ClientDataSet CDS. Set the DataSet property in the DataSource to CDS and name that DataSource DS. Set the DataSource in the DBNavigator to DS the DataSource in the DBGrid to DS. Right click on CDS and select the Fields Editor, then right click on the Field Editor form and create two fields by selecting "new field". In the field configuration window, set the name to HOST, the Component value will automatically be set to CDSHOST. Set the filed type to String. In the field configuration window for the second field, set the name to PORTA, the Component value will automatically be set to CDSPORTA. Set the field type to Integer. The file used to load CDS must have an attribute name of HOST with an attribute type of string and an attribute name of PORTA with an attribute type of integer. Add DB, DBCtrls, Grids, DBGrids and DBClient to the uses clause. } {$IFNDEF UNICODE} uses SwSystem; {$ENDIF} procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); begin CDS.Insert; CDS.FieldByName('PORTA').AsInteger := StrToInt(Edit1.Text); CDS.Post; end; procedure TForm1.CDSBeforeInsert(DataSet: TDataSet); begin try { Make sure edit field can be converted to integer -- this will raise an exception if it can’t } StrToInt(Edit1.Text); except Edit1.Text := '0'; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin {$IFDEF UNICODE} CDS.LoadFromFile(GetCurrentDir + '\CDS.XML'); {$ELSE} CDS.LoadFromFile(gsAppPath + 'CDS.XML'); {$ENDIF} end;
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