RAD Studio VCL Reference
Enables editing of data in the dataset.
procedure Edit;
__fastcall Edit();
Call Edit to permit editing of the active record in a dataset. Edit determines the current state of the dataset. If the dataset is empty, Edit calls Insert. Otherwise Edit
Calls CheckBrowseMode to post any pending changes to a prior record if necessary.
Checks the CanModify property and raises an exception if the dataset can't be edited.
Calls the BeforeEdit event handler.
Retrieves the record.
Puts the dataset into dsEdit state, enabling the application or user to modify fields in the record.
Broadcasts the state change to associated controls.
Calls the AfterEdit event handler.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example copies the data in the Notes field of Table1 or SQLDataSet1 to the Remarks field of ClientDataSet1. */ void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { TBlobType blobType = Table1Notes->BlobType; TStream *Stream1 = new TBlobStream(Table1Notes, bmRead); try { CDS2->Edit(); // here’s a different way to create a blob stream } TStream *Stream2 = CDS2->CreateBlobStream(CDS2->FieldByName("Remarks"), bmReadWrite); try { Stream2->CopyFrom(Stream1, Stream1->Size); // CDS2.Post; // CDS2.Active := True; } __finally { delete Stream2; } } __finally { delete Stream1; } };
/* This example uses a button to copy the value of a field in the previous record into the corresponding field in the current record. */ /* To ensure that the button is disabled when there is no previous record, the OnDataChange event of the DataSource detects when the user moves to the beginning of file (BOF property becomes true), and disables the button. Detection occurs on scrolling and editing, not selection with the mouse. */ void __fastcall TForm1::DS2DataChange(TObject *Sender, TField *Field) { if (Customers->Bof) Button2->Enabled = False; else Button2->Enabled = True; } void __fastcall TForm1::Button2Click(TObject *Sender) { TBookmark SavePlace; Variant PrevValue; // get a bookmark so that we can return to the same record SavePlace = Customers->GetBookmark(); Customers->FindPrior();// move to prior record PrevValue = Customers->FindField("Field1")->Value; // get the value // Move back to the bookmark // this may not be the next record anymore // if something else is changing the dataset asynchronously Customers->GotoBookmark(SavePlace); Customers->Edit(); Customers->FindField("Field1")->Value = PrevValue; // set the value Customers->FreeBookmark(SavePlace); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example adds an entry to a memo with a message when an AfterEdit event occurs and when a BeforeEdit event occurs. Click on Run SQL to populate the DBGrid. Then select a cell to edit and click the Edit current cell button, or just start editing the cell to invoke the BeforeEdit and AfterEdit events. } procedure TForm1.ClientDataSet1AfterEdit(DataSet: TDataSet); begin Memo2.Lines.Add('After editing record' + IntToStr(DataSet.RecNo)); end; procedure TForm1.ClientDataSet1BeforeEdit(DataSet: TDataSet); begin Memo2.Lines.Add('Before editing record' + IntToStr(DataSet.RecNo)); end; procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); begin ClientDataSet1.Edit; end;
{ The following example copies the data in the Notes field of Table1 or SQLDataSet1 to the Remarks field of ClientDataSet1. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var Stream1: TBlobStream; Stream2: TStream; blobType : TBlobType; begin blobType := Table1Notes.BlobType; Stream1 := TBlobStream.Create(Table1Notes, bmRead); try CDS2.Edit; { here’s a different way to create a blob stream } Stream2 := CDS2.CreateBlobStream(CDS2.FieldByName('Remarks'), bmReadWrite); try Stream2.CopyFrom(Stream1, Stream1.Size); // CDS2.Post; // CDS2.Active := True; finally Stream2.Free; end; finally Stream1.Free; end; end;
{ This example uses a button to copy the value of a field in the previous record into the corresponding field in the current record. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var SavePlace: TBookmark; PrevValue: Variant; begin with Customers do begin { get a bookmark so that we can return to the same record } SavePlace := GetBookmark; try { move to prior record} FindPrior; { get the value } PrevValue := FindField('Field2').Value; {Move back to the bookmark this may not be the next record anymore if something else is changing the dataset asynchronously } GotoBookmark(SavePlace); { Set the value } Edit; FindField('Field2').Value := PrevValue; { Free the bookmark } finally FreeBookmark(SavePlace); end; end; end; { To ensure that the button is disabled when there is no previous record, the OnDataChange event of the DataSource detects when the user moves to the beginning of file (BOF property becomes true), and disables the button. Detection occurs on scrolling and editing, not selection with the mouse. } procedure TForm1.DS2DataChange(Sender: TObject; Field: TField); begin if Customers.Bof then Button1.Enabled := False else Button1.Enabled := True; end;
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