RAD Studio VCL Reference
Contains parameter values that are sent to the provider.
property Params: TParams;
__property TParams Params;
Use Params to specify parameter values that the provider should pass to a source dataset. If the client dataset uses an internal provider, Params represents the values for any parameters used by the SQL statement specified by the CommandText property. If the client dataset uses an external provider that is associated with a dataset that represents a query or stored procedure, these parameter values supply input parameter values for that query or stored procedure and return any output parameters of a stored procedure. If the provider is associated with a TTable or TSQLTable component, Params limits the records that are sent in data packets. After specifying the parameters (at design time or runtime), they are sent to the provider automatically when the client dataset fetches data or executes a query or stored procedure using its Execute method.
To send parameter values to a query or stored procedure, for every parameter on the query or stored procedure for which the client dataset should send a value, add a parameter object (TParam) to Params. Assign each parameter object the same Name, DataType, and ParamType as the corresponding parameter on the query or stored procedure. These values are automatically encoded and sent to the provider when the client dataset fetches data.
To send parameter values to a TTable or TSQLTable, add a parameter object for each field in the table that is used to limit the values sent in data packets. Assign each parameter object the same Name and DataType as the corresponding field component on the table. These parameter values are automatically sent when the client dataset fetches data, and the records returned in data packets from the provider only contain records that match the assigned value on the corresponding fields. You can achieve the same affect by applying a filter to the field, but using Params is more efficient because the data need not be included in data packets.
C++ Examples:
/* This example saves params from a ClientDataSet, alters them and restores them. */ TParams *SavedParams; void __fastcall TForm1::SaveParamsClick(TObject *Sender) { // Save the parameters for the TDataSet SavedParams->Assign(CDS->Params); } void __fastcall TForm1::AlterParamsClick(TObject *Sender) { CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftString, "stringParam", ptInput); // you can also edit the params in the CDS dynamically CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftSmallint, "smallIntParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftInteger, "intParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftWord, "wordParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftBoolean, "boolParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftFloat, "floatParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftCurrency, "currencyParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftBCD, "bcdParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftDate, "dateParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftTime, "timeParam", ptInput); CDS->Params->CreateParam(ftDateTime, "dateTimeParam", ptInput); // Call FetchParams to ensure parameters reflect server metadata CDS->FetchParams(); // with CDS->Params do for (int I = 0; I < CDS->Params->Count; I++) { AnsiString ListItem = ListBox1->Items->Strings[I]; switch (CDS->Params->Items[I]->DataType) { case ftString: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsString = ListItem; break; case ftSmallint: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsSmallInt = StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); break; case ftInteger: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsInteger = StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); break; case ftWord: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsWord = StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); break; case ftBoolean: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsBoolean = (ListItem == "True"); break; case ftFloat: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsFloat = StrToFloat(ListItem); break; case ftCurrency: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsCurrency = double(StrToFloat(ListItem)); break; case ftBCD: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsBCD = StrToCurr(ListItem); break; case ftDate: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsDate = StrToDate(ListItem); break; case ftTime: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsTime = StrToTime(ListItem); break; case ftDateTime: CDS->Params->Items[I]->AsDateTime = StrToDateTime(ListItem); break; } } } void __fastcall TForm1::RestoreParamsClick(TObject *Sender) { // Restore the parameters to TDataSet CDS->Params->AssignValues(SavedParams); } void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { // Initialize SavedParams SavedParams = new TParams; ListBox1->Items->Add("Here is a string"); ListBox1->Items->Add("4"); ListBox1->Items->Add("3456789"); ListBox1->Items->Add("34"); ListBox1->Items->Add("0"); ListBox1->Items->Add("12.56"); ListBox1->Items->Add("4.23"); ListBox1->Items->Add("99.5"); ListBox1->Items->Add("4/12/53"); ListBox1->Items->Add("7:45:00"); ListBox1->Items->Add("4/12/53 7:45:00"); }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example uses the FetchParams method to sync the params with the server. } procedure TForm1.SaveParamsClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Save the parameters for the TDataSet } SavedParams.Assign(CDS.Params); end; procedure TForm1.AlterParamsClick(Sender: TObject); var I : Integer; ListItem: string; begin CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftString, 'stringParam', ptInput); // you can also edit the params in the CDS dynamically CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftSmallInt, 'smallIntParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftInteger, 'intParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftWord, 'wordParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftBoolean, 'boolParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftFloat, 'floatParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftCurrency, 'currencyParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftBCD, 'bcdParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftDate, 'dateParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftTime, 'timeParam', ptInput); CDS.Params.CreateParam(ftDateTime, 'dateTimeParam', ptInput); { Call FetchParams to ensure parameters reflect server metadata } CDS.FetchParams; with CDS.Params do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin ListItem := ListBox1.Items[I]; case Items[I].DataType of ftString: Items[I].AsString := ListItem; ftSmallInt: Items[I].AsSmallInt := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftInteger: Items[I].AsInteger := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftWord: Items[I].AsWord := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftBoolean: begin if ListItem = 'True' then Items[I].AsBoolean := True else Items[I].AsBoolean := False; end; ftFloat: Items[I].AsFloat := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftCurrency: Items[I].AsCurrency := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftBCD: Items[I].AsBCD := StrToCurr(ListItem); ftDate: Items[I].AsDate := StrToDate(ListItem); ftTime: Items[I].AsTime := StrToTime(ListItem); ftDateTime: Items[I].AsDateTime := StrToDateTime(ListItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.RestoreParamsClick(Sender: TObject); begin { Restore the parameters to TDataSet } CDS.Params.AssignValues(SavedParams); end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin { Initialize SavedParams } SavedParams := TParams.Create; ListBox1.Items.Add('Here is a string'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4'); ListBox1.Items.Add('3456789'); ListBox1.Items.Add('34'); ListBox1.Items.Add('0'); ListBox1.Items.Add('12.56'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4.23'); ListBox1.Items.Add('99.5'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53'); ListBox1.Items.Add('7:45:00'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53 7:45:00'); end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); begin SavedParams.Free; end;
{ This example fills in the parameters of a client dataset from the entries of a list box. } procedure TForm1.Button4Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; ListItem: string; begin { Call FetchParams to ensure parameters reflect server metadata } ClientDataSet1.FetchParams; with ClientDataSet1.Params do begin for I := 0 to Count - 1 do begin ListItem := ListBox1.Items[I]; case Items[I].DataType of ftString: Items[I].AsString := ListItem; ftSmallInt: Items[I].AsSmallInt := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftInteger: Items[I].AsInteger := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftWord: Items[I].AsWord := StrToIntDef(ListItem, 0); ftBoolean: begin if ListItem = 'True' then Items[I].AsBoolean := True else Items[I].AsBoolean := False; end; ftFloat: Items[I].AsFloat := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftCurrency: Items[I].AsCurrency := StrToFloat(ListItem); ftBCD: Items[I].AsBCD := StrToCurr(ListItem); ftDate: Items[I].AsDate := StrToDate(ListItem); ftTime: Items[I].AsTime := StrToTime(ListItem); ftDateTime: Items[I].AsDateTime := StrToDateTime(ListItem); end; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin ListBox1.Items.Add('Here is a string'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4'); ListBox1.Items.Add('3456789'); ListBox1.Items.Add('34'); ListBox1.Items.Add('0'); ListBox1.Items.Add('12.56'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4.23'); ListBox1.Items.Add('99.5'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53'); ListBox1.Items.Add('7:45:00'); ListBox1.Items.Add('4/12/53 7:45:00'); end;
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