RAD Studio VCL Reference
Specifies whether the client dataset contains data.
property Active: Boolean;
__property Boolean Active;
Use Active to determine whether the client dataset makes its data available. When Active is false, the client dataset is closed; It can't manipulate the data it represents. When Active is true, data can be read or edited using the client dataset.
Setting Active to true:
1Fills the client dataset with data. Depending on the other properties of the client dataset, this data comes from:
The file specified by the FileName property.
The provider specified by the ProviderName property or SetProvider method. (For some TCustomClientDataSet descendants, this is an internal provider component)
The data that was active when the client dataset was deactivated (only if the application has run continuously since the dataset was deactivated).
2Triggers a BeforeOpen event.
3Sets the State property to dsBrowse.
4Opens a cursor into the dataset.
5Triggers an After Open event.
If the client dataset has never been active previously, setting Active to true defines the structure (metadata) of the client dataset. This structure is retrieved with the data packet from the provider or stored on disk, or, if there is no data packet, it is built using the current value of the FieldDefs property or from the persistent field components listed by the Fields property.
If an error occurs during the dataset open, the dataset state is set to dsInactive, and the cursor is closed.
Setting Active to false:
1Triggers a BeforeClose event.
2Sets the State property to dsInactive.
3Closes the cursor, saving the current data to disk if the FileName property is set, and saving the current data packet to a cache so that it can be restored when the client dataset is reopened.
4Triggers an AfterClose event.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example shows how to use the BeforeGetRecords event handler (a TRemoteEventType value) to send the provider information it needs for incremental data fetching. Before fetching the next data packet, the client dataset packages up the key value of the last record so that the provider knows where to begin the next data packet. It also sends some application-specific information, which is stored in Memo1. This method is used to pass the sql statement and the value of the first field for the last record to the server so that the server can return the correct records. The complete project using this code example is in Demos/DelphiWin32/VCLWin32/MIDAS/Pooler. } procedure TForm1.ClientDataSet1BeforeGetRecords(Sender: TObject; var OwnerData: OleVariant); var LastValue: OleVariant; CDSClone: TClientDataSet; begin if ClientDataSet1.Active then begin CDSClone := TClientDataSet.Create(Form1); try CDSClone.CloneCursor(ClientDataSet1, True); { turn off FetchOnDemand so that the clone only fetches the last LOCAL record } CDSClone.FetchOnDemand := False; CDSClone.Last; LastValue := CDSClone.Fields[0].AsString; CDSClone.Close; finally CDSClone.Free; end; end else LastValue := NULL; OwnerData := VarArrayOf([Memo1.Lines.Text, LastValue]); end; procedure TForm1.Button2Click(Sender: TObject); begin ClientDataSet1.PacketRecords := StrToInt(Edit1.Text); ClientDataSet1.GetNextPacket; end;
{ The following code fragment illustrates how DataSets and DataSetCount can be used to ensure that an action is taken for every open dataset. Assign CheckButtonActive as the AfterClose and AfterOpen event handlers for TClientDataSet1. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin if not RemoteServer1.Connected then RemoteServer1.Connected := True; ClientDataSet1.Close; with RemoteServer1 do begin for I := 0 to DataSetCount - 1 do DataSets[I].EnableControls; end; ClientDataSet1.Open; end; procedure TForm1.Button3Click(Sender: TObject); var I: Integer; begin ClientDataSet1.Close; RemoteServer1.Connected := False; with RemoteServer1 do begin for I := 0 to DataSetCount - 1 do DataSets[I].DisableControls; end; end; procedure TForm1.CheckButtonActive(DataSet: TDataSet); begin Button1.Enabled := not ClientDataSet1.Active; Button2.Enabled := ClientDataSet1.Active; Button3.Enabled := ClientDataSet1.Active; end;
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