RAD Studio VCL Reference
Creates an instance of PageControl.
constructor Create(AOwner: TComponent); override;
virtual __fastcall TPageControl(TComponent * AOwner);
Call Create to instantiate a page control at runtime. Page controls added to forms at design time are created automatically.
AOwner is the form in which the page control should appear. It becomes the value of the Owner property.
When creating a page control at runtime, the pages must be added programmatically. To add a page to a page control at runtime, create the TTabSheet object for the page and set its PageControl property.
C++ Examples:
/* This example dynamically creates a Page Control, then a series of Tab Sheets on the Page Control. */ #include <Comctrls.hpp> TPageControl* ppc; const int MAXTABS = 3; TTabSheet* pts[MAXTABS]; const char * ppcTabTitles[] = { "ShortString", "Orders", "Items", "Parts" }; int iTabTitles = sizeof(ppcTabTitles)/sizeof(ppcTabTitles[0]); const TColor colorPalette[12] = { clRed, clGreen, clYellow, clBlue, clWhite, clFuchsia, clTeal, clNavy, clMaroon, clLime, clOlive, clPurple}; void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { ppc = new TPageControl(this); // The owner (this) will clean this up. ppc->Parent = this; ppc->Align = alClient; for (int i=0;i<iTabTitles;i++) { pts[i] = new TTabSheet(this); // The owner (this) will clean this up. pts[i]->PageControl = ppc; pts[i]->Name = AnsiString("pts") + ppcTabTitles[i]; pts[i]->Caption = ppcTabTitles[i]; pts[i]->Brush->Color = colorPalette[i]; } }
Delphi Examples:
{ This example dynamically creates a Page Control, then a series of Tab Sheets on the Page Control. } var PageControl1: TPageControl; pts: array[0..3] of TTabSheet; const TabTitles: array[0..3] of ShortString = ('Customer', 'Orders', 'Items', 'Parts' ); procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); const colorpalette: Array[0..11] of TColor = ( clRed, clGreen, clYellow, clBlue, clWhite, clFuchsia, clTeal, clNavy, clMaroon, clLime, clOlive, clPurple); var i: Integer; begin PageControl1 := TPageControl.Create(Self); PageControl1.Parent := Self; PageControl1.Align := alClient; for i := Low(TabTitles) to High(TabTitles) do begin pts[i]:= TTabSheet.Create(PageControl1); with pts[i] do begin PageControl := PageControl1; Name := 'ts' + TabTitles[i]; Caption := TabTitles[i]; Brush.Color := colorPalette[i]; end; end; end; procedure TForm1.FormDestroy(Sender: TObject); var i: Integer; begin for i := Low(TabTitles) to High(TabTitles) do begin pts[i].Free; end; PageControl1.Free; end;
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