RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils Namespace

This is namespace SysUtils.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EAbort is the exception class for errors that should not display an error message dialog box. 
EAbstractError is the exception class for attempts to call an abstract method. 
EAccessViolation is the exception class for invalid memory access errors. 
EAssertionFailed is the exception class for Delphi assertion failure. 
EControlC is the exception class for user interrupts. 
EConvertError is the exception class for string and object conversion errors. 
EDivByZero is the exception class for integer divide-by-zero errors. 
EExternal is the exception class that captures external error information. 
EExternalException is the exception class for invalid exception codes. 
EHeapException is the exception class for errors related to heap-allocated memory. 
EInOutError is the exception class for file input/output errors. 
EIntError is the base class for integer math error exceptions. 
EIntfCastError is the exception class for interface casting errors. 
EIntOverflow is the exception class for integer calculations whose results are too large to fit in the allocated register. 
EInvalidCast is an exception class for typecasting errors. 
This is class SysUtils.EInvalidContainer. 
This is class SysUtils.EInvalidInsert. 
EInvalidOp is the exception class for undefined floating-point operations. 
EInvalidPointer is the exception class for invalid pointer operations. 
EMathError is the base exception class for floating-point math errors. 
EOSError is the exception class for operating system errors. 
EOutOfMemory is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to allocate memory. 
EOverflow is the exception class for floating-point register overflows. 
EPackageError is the exception class for package-related errors. 
EPrivilege is the exception class for processor privilege violations. 
EPropReadOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to write to a property using OLE automation. 
EPropWriteOnly is the exception class for invalid attempts to read a property using OLE automation. 
ERangeError is the exception for Delphi range errors. 
ESafecallException is the exception for problems with the safecall calling convention. 
EStackOverflow is the exception class for stack overflows. 
EUnderflow is the exception class for values that are too small to be represented with a floating-point variable. 
EVariantError is the exception class for errors involving Variant data types. 
EWin32Error is the exception class for Windows errors. 
Exception is the base class for all runtime exceptions. 
EZeroDivide is the exception class for floating-point divide-by-zero errors. 
TLanguages lists all available Windows locales. 
TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer protects memory in a multi-threaded application. 
This is class SysUtils.TSimpleRWSync. 
This is class SysUtils.TThreadLocalCounter. 
Specifies the difference between TDateTime and TTimeStamp starting values. 
Specifies the default string representation of the boolean false value. 
Specifies the default string representation of the boolean true value. 
Specifies the character used to separate the Windows drive from the path in a file name. 
Specifies any file type. 
Specifies only Windows archived file types. 
Specifies only directory 'file' types. 
Specifies only hidden file types. 
Specifies only read only file types. 
Specifies only symbolic link file types. 
Specifies only system file types. 
Specifies Volume ID file types. 
Specifies a file should be opened for reading only. 
Specifies a file should be opened for reading and writing. 
Specifies a file should be opened for writing only. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareCompat. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyNone. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyRead. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareDenyWrite. 
This is constant SysUtils.fmShareExclusive. 
Specifies the number of hours in a day. 
Defines the largest value supported for Currency data types. 
Specifies the highest supported TDateTime value. 
This is constant SysUtils.MaxEraCount. 
Defines the largest negative value supported for Currency data types. 
Specifies the earliest supported TDateTime value. 
Specifies the number of minutes in a day. 
Specifies the number of minutes in an hour. 
An array specifying how many days are in a month. 
Specifies the number of milliseconds in a day. 
Specifies the number of milliseconds in a second. 
Specifies a path delimiter character. 
Specifies the character used to separate a sequence of file or directory names. 
Indicates that a package was produced by via C++. 
Indicates that C++ can be a consumer of a package. 
This is constant SysUtils.pfConsumerCompat. 
Indicates that Delphi can be a consumer of a package. 
Indicates the comsumer of a package. 
Indicates that a package was produced by Delphi 4 or later. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$DESIGNONLY ON}. 
Indicates that a module is an executable. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$DUPLICATEENABLE ON}. 
Indicates that a module is a library. 
Indicates that a package is a module. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with the -z flag. 
Indicates that a module is a package. 
Indicates the producer of a package. 
Indicates that a package was produced by an unknown developmemt environment. 
Indicates that a package was compiled with {$RUNONLY ON}. 
Indicates that a package was produced by Delphi 3 or later. 
Specifies the number of seconds in a day. 
Specifies the number of seconds in a minute. 
Specifies the prefix character(s) for program command line arguments. 
Indicates that a unit was implicitly imported into a package. 
Indicates that a unit is the main one in a project. 
This is constant SysUtils.ufOrgWeakUnit. 
Indicates that a unit is a package. 
This is constant SysUtils.ufWeakPackageUnit. 
Indicates that a unit is a weak unit. 
Specifies the difference between TDateTime and Lunix date/time origins. 
Raises a silent exception. 
Adds a procedure to the exit list. 
Adds a terminate procedure to the system list of termination procedures. 
Adjusts line break characters to reflect Windows or Linux style. 
Compares file names based on the current locale. 
Compares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. 
Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. 
Converts a quoted string into an unquoted string 
Converts a quoted string into an unquoted string. 
Returns a pointer to the last character in a string. 
Returns a string that is a copy of the given string converted to lower case. 
Converts a file name to lower case. 
Locates the position of a substring. 
Returns the quoted version of a string. 
Compares strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. 
Compares strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. 
Compares null-terminated character strings. 
Compares null terminated character strings case insensitively. 
Returns a pointer to the last character in a null-terminated string. 
Compares the first MaxLen bytes of two null-terminated strings, case-sensitively. 
Compares two strings, case-insensitively, up to the first MaxLen bytes. 
Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to lower case. 
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of a substring. 
Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a specified string. 
Returns a pointer to first occurrence of a character in a string. 
Converts all characters in a null-terminated string to upper case. 
Converts a string to upper case. 
Converts a file name to upper case. 
Appends a dynamically allocated string to an existing string. 
Assigns a new dynamically allocated string to a specified pointer. 
Emits a message beep. 
Converts a Boolean value to a string. 
Returns the position of the character that contains a specified byte in a string. 
Returns the number of characters fully contained in the first MaxLen bytes of a string. 
Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single byte character, the first byte of a double byte character, or the second byte of a double byte character. 
Calls all of the functions in the termination procedure list. 
Changes the extension of a file name. 
Changes the path of a file name. 
Returns number of bytes used by a character. 
Returns the 1-based index of the first byte of a specified character in a string. 
Returns the length, in bytes, of the first MaxLen characters of a string. 
Check to see if you are running on a specific level (or higher) of the Windows 32 bit Operating System
Performs a binary comparison of two memory images. 
Compares two strings case sensitively. 
Compares two strings case sensitively. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. 
Creates a new directory. 
Creates a globally unique identifier. 
Returns the current year. 
Formats a Currency value as a string. 
Formats a Currency value as a string. 
Converts a Currency value to a string, using a specified format. 
Converts a Currency value to a string, using a specified format. 
Returns the current date. 
Converts a TDateTime value to an OS timestamp value. 
Converts a TDateTime value to a string. 
Converts a TDateTime value to a string. 
Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a specified Format
Converts a TDateTime value to a string using a specified Format
Converts a TDateTime value into the Win32 API's system time type. 
Converts a TDateTime value into the corresponding TTimeStamp value. 
Converts a TDateTime value to a string. 
Converts a TDateTime value to a string. 
Returns the day of the week for a specified date. 
Returns Year, Month, and Day values for a TDateTime value. 
Returns Year, Month, and Day, and Day-of-Week values for a TDateTime value. 
Breaks a TDateTime value into hours, minutes, seconds, and milliseconds. 
Deletes a file from disk. 
Determines whether a specified directory exists. 
Returns the number of free bytes on a specified drive. 
Returns the size, in bytes, of a specified drive. 
Disposes of a string pointer that was allocated using NewStr
Returns a TDateTime value that represents a specified Year, Month, and Day. 
Returns a TDateTime value for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec. 
Formats a standard error message. 
Returns a path name without a trailing delimiter. 
Returns a path name without a trailing delimiter. 
Returns the full path name for a relative file name. 
Returns the full path name for a relative file name on a case-sensitive file system. 
Returns the full path of a file name in UNC format, if appropriate. 
Extracts the drive and directory parts from FileName. 
Returns the drive portion of a file name. 
Returns the extension portions of a file name. 
Extracts the name and extension parts of a file name. 
Returns the drive and directory portions of a file name. 
Returns a relative path name, relative to a specific base directory. 
Converts a file name to the short 8.3 form. 
Returns the OS timestamp of a file. 
Returns the OS timestamp of a file. 
Closes a specified file. 
Creates a new file. 
Creates a new file. 
Converts an OS timestamp value to TDateTime value. 
Tests if a specified file exists. 
Returns the file attributes of FileName. 
Returns an OS timestamp for a specified file. 
Reports whether a file is read-only. 
Opens a specified file using a specified access mode. 
Reads a specified number of bytes from a file. 
Searches a specified directory path for a file. 
Repositions read/write point. 
Repositions read/write point. 
Sets the file attributes of a specified file. 
Sets the OS time stamp for a specified file. 
Sets the OS time stamp for a specified file. 
Sets the file permissions to read-only. 
Writes the contents of a buffer to the current position in a file. 
Finalizes the specified package (.bpl file). 
Releases memory allocated by FindFirst
Determines whether a string was passed as a command line argument to the application. 
Determines whether a string was passed as a command line argument to the application. 
Determines whether a string was passed as a command line argument to the application. 
Searches for the first instance of a file name with a given set of attributes in a specified directory. 
Returns the next entry matching the name and attributes specified in a previous call to FindFirst
Converts a floating-point value to a Currency value. 
Converts a floating-point value to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a floating-point value to a decimal representation. 
Converts a floating point value to a string. 
Converts a floating point value to a string. 
Converts a floating point value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. 
Converts a floating point value to a string, using a specified Format, Precision, and Digits. 
Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified Format, Precision and Digits. 
Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified Format, Precision and Digits. 
Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified format. 
Converts a floating-point value to an unterminated character string, using a specified format. 
Returns formatted output using a resourced format string. 
Assembles a formatted string using a format string and an array of arguments. 
Assembles a formatted string using a format string and an array of arguments. 
Creates a new directory, including the creation of parent directories as needed. 
Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. 
Returns a formatted string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. 
Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. 
Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. 
Formats a Currency object. 
Formats a Currency object. 
Formats a TDateTime value. 
Formats a TDateTime value. 
Formats a floating point value. 
Formats a floating point value. 
Frees an object reference and replaces the reference with nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). 
Get Delphi Access Licence. 
Returns the name of the current directory. 
Retrieves an environment variable value. 
Returns file version. 
Resets the date and number format parameters to initial values. 
Retrieves the first character of a localisation value. 
Populates a TFormatSettings data structure. 
Retrieves a localisation value. 
Returns the fully qualified name for a module, given its handle. 
Returns the description resource from a package. 
Enumerates all the units and required packages for a package. 
Returns the current time. 
Converts a class identifier GUID to a string. 
Increments date data by one month. 
Ensures path name ends with delimiter 
Ensures path name ends with delimiter. 
Returns a date shifted by a specified number of months. 
Validates and initializes a given package. 
Validates and initializes a given package. 
Returns the hex representation of an integer. 
Returns the hex representation of an integer. 
Converts an integer to a string. 
Converts an integer to a string. 
Determines whether a dll is an Assembly. 
Indicates whether a specified character in a string matches one of a set of delimiters. 
Indicates whether two TGUID values are the same. 
Indicates whether a specified year is a leap year. 
Indicates whether the byte at a specified position in a string is the path delimiter. 
Determines whether a string conforms to Delphi identifier rules. 
Lists the locales for which support is available. 
Returns the byte index of the last character that matches any character in a specified set of delimiters. 
Loads a specified package. 
Loads a specified package. 
Loads a string resource from the application's executable file. 
Converts an ASCII string to lowercase. 
Converts an ASCII string to lowercase. 
Converts a specified number of milliseconds into a TTimeStamp value. 
Allocates a string on the heap. 
Returns the byte index of the next character. 
Returns the current date and time. 
Raises an EOutOfMemory exception. 
Returns the quoted version of a string. 
Raises an exception for the last occurring OS or system library error. 
Raises an exception for the last occurring OS or system library error. 
Raises an exception for the last occurring Win32 error. 
Check for Delphi Client/Server Licence. 
Deletes an existing empty directory. 
Changes a file name. 
Replaces the date portion of a TDateTime value with a specified date. 
Replaces the time portion of a TDateTime value with a specified time. 
Check for Delphi Professional Licence. 
Safe and simple library loading. 
Compares file names based on the current locale. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value with case sensitivity. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value with case sensitivity. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. 
Compares two strings by ordinal value without case sensitivity. 
Sets the current directory. 
Displays an exception message with its physical address 
Delay program execution for a specified number of milliseconds. 
Allocates a buffer for a null-terminated string and returns a pointer to its first character. 
Returns the maximum number of characters that can be stored in a buffer allocated by StrAlloc
Indicates whether a byte in a string is a single byte character, the first byte of a double byte character, or the second byte of a double byte character. 
Appends a copy of Source to the end of Dest and returns the concatenated string. 
Returns the length, in bytes, of a character. 
Compares two strings with case sensitivity. 
Copies a null-terminated string. 
Disposes of a string. 
Copies null-terminated string. 
Returns a pointer to the end of a null terminated string. 
Formats entries in an array. 
Formats entries in an array. 
Compares two strings without case sensitivity. 
Returns a string with occurrences of one substring replaced by another substring. 
Converts a string to a GUID. 
Appends up to a specified maximum number of characters to string. 
Compares up to a specified maximum number of characters in two strings. 
Copies up to a specified maximum number of characters from Source to Dest. 
Returns number of characters in a string excluding the null terminator. 
Formats a series of arguments from a specified open array into a buffer. 
Formats a series of arguments from a specified open array into a buffer. 
Compares strings up to a specified maximum number of characters, without case sensitivity. 
Converts a string to lowercase. 
Copies specified number of characters to string. 
Allocates space on and copies a string to the heap; returning a pointer to the string. 
Returns pointer to following character. 
Converts null-terminated string to an AnsiString (long string). 
Copies an AnsiString (long string) to a null-terminated string. 
Copies characters from an AnsiString (long string) into a null-terminated string. 
Returns a pointer to the first occurrence of STR2 in STR1. 
Returns a pointer to the last occurrence of a specified character in a string. 
Returns a pointer to first occurrence of a specified character in a string. 
Converts a string to a Boolean value. 
Converts a string to a Boolean value, with error default. 
Converts a string to a Currency value. 
Converts a string to a Currency value. 
Converts a string to a Currency value, with error default. 
Converts a string to a Currency value, with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value, with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value, with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with error default. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with error default. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with error default. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with error default. 
Returns a string in upper case. 
Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. 
Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. 
Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. 
Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. 
Indicates whether a given object or interface supports a specified interface. 
Converts OS error codes into strings. 
Converts a system time value into a TDateTime value. 
Converts a null-terminated string to a floating-point value. 
Converts a null-terminated string to a floating-point value. 
Returns the current time. 
Converts a TTimeStamp value into the corresponding TDateTime value. 
Converts a TTimeStamp value into an absolute number of milliseconds. 
Returns a string that represents a TDateTime value. 
Returns a string that represents a TDateTime value. 
Trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string. 
Trims leading and trailing spaces and control characters from a string. 
Trims leading spaces and control characters from a string. 
Trims leading spaces and control characters from a string. 
Trims trailing spaces and control characters from a string. 
Trims trailing spaces and control characters from a string. 
Creates a TDateTime value that represents a specified Year, Month, and Day. 
Creates a TDateTime value for a specified Hour, Min, Sec, and MSec. 
Converts a floating-point value to a Currency value. 
Converts a floating-point value to a TDateTime value. 
Converts a string to a Boolean value, with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a Currency value, with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a Currency value, with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value, with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value, with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with a Boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a given string to a floating-point value with a boolean success code. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number with Boolean success code. 
Converts a string that represents an integer (decimal or hex notation) to a number. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with an error default. 
Converts a string to a TDateTime value with an error default. 
Unloads a package. 
Returns a copy of a string in uppercase. 
Returns a copy of a string in uppercase. 
Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. 
Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. 
Assembles a formatted Unicode string using a format string and an array of arguments. 
Assembles a formatted Unicode string using a format string and an array of arguments. 
Returns a formatted Unicode string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. 
Returns a formatted Unicode string assembled from a format string and an array of arguments. 
Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. 
Formats the arguments from an array, placing the result in a buffer. 
Returns Unicode string converted to lower case. 
Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale with case sensitivity. 
Compares Unicode strings based on the current locale without case sensitivity. 
Returns Unicode string converted to upper case. 
Checks the return value of a Windows API call and raises an appropriate exception when it indicates failure. 
Splits a string into multiple lines as its length approaches a specified size. 
Splits a string into multiple lines as its length approaches a specified size. 
This is class SysUtils.IReadWriteSync. 
Int64Rec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of an Int64 value. 
LongRec declares a utility record to provide access to the bytes of a LongWord value. 
TExceptionRecord holds information about an exception in an application. 
TFilenameCaseMatch indicates how close a match was found to a specified file name. 
TFloatFormat is an enumerated list of formatting codes for float functions. 
TFloatRec declares a utility record that provides access to the attributes of a floating point number. 
This is record SysUtils.TFloatValue. 
TFormatSettings defines a thread-safe string formatting context. 
TLangRec declares a record used to describe a Windows locale. 
TLocaleOptions defines a choice of dependent and independent locale options. 
TMbcsByteType represents the use of a single byte in a string that uses a multi-byte character set (MBCS). 
This is record SysUtils.TNameType. 
TSearchRec defines file information searched for by FindFirst or FindNext
TSysLocale represents locale information. 
This is record SysUtils.TThreadInfo. 
TTimeStamp represents time and date values. 
WordRec declares a utility record to store high and low order bytes of a variable. 
ExceptClass declares an Exception class. 
PByteArray declares a pointer to an array of Bytes. 
PDayTable is a pointer to a TDayTable type. 
PExceptionRecord is a pointer to a TExceptionRecord type. 
This is type SysUtils.PThreadInfo. 
PWordArray is a pointer to a TWordArray type. 
TByteArray declares an array of Bytes. 
TBytes declares an array of Bytes. 
TDayTable is used to hold the number of days of each month of a year. 
TFileName is a string that represents a file name. 
TIntegerSet is used to treat an integer as a set of bits. 
TMREWSync is a short name equivalent to TMultiReadExclusiveWriteSynchronizer
TPackageInfoProc is a call-back procedure invoked by GetPackageInfo
TProcedure declares a procedure. 
TReplaceFlags indicates how to perform a search-and-replace operation 
TSysCharSet is a set containing special characters that can be used to parse a string. The elements of the set vary, depending on the type of parsing performed. 
TValidatePackageProc is a call-back function invoked by LoadPackage
This is type SysUtils.TValidatePackageProc. 
TWordArray declares an array of Words. 
CurrencyDecimals is the number of digits to the right of the decimal point in a currency amount. 
CurrencyFormat defines the currency symbol placement and separation used in floating-point–to–decimal conversions. Possible values are: 0 = $1 | 1 = 1$ | 2 = $ 1 | 3 = 1 $ 
CurrencyString defines the currency symbol (or characters) used in floating-point to decimal conversions. 
DateSeparator is the character used to separate the year, month, and day parts of a date value. 
DecimalSeparator is the character used to separate the integer part from the fractional part of a number. This variable must have a value other than #0. 
An empty string constant. 
An empty string version of the WideString constant. 
Defines the names of calendar eras for East Asian locales. 
Controls the DateTimeToStr function (for East Asian locales). 
Lists strings that can represent the boolean value false. 
This is variable SysUtils.GetDiskFreeSpaceEx. 
HexDisplayPrefix contains the prefix to display on hexadecimal values - $ for Pascal (Delphi) syntax, 0x for C++ syntax. 
Lists all values that can be the first byte of a double byte character on the local system. 
The character used to separate items in a list. 
LongDateFormat is the format string used to convert a date value to a long string suitable for display but not for editing. 
LongDayNames is the array of strings containing long day names. The dddd format specifier in a format string passed to FormatDateTime causes a long day name to be substituted. 
LongMonthNames is the array of strings containing long month names. The mmmm format specifier in a format string passed to FormatDateTime causes a long month name to be substituted. 
LongTimeFormat is the format string used to convert a time value to a string with hours, minutes, and seconds. 
NegCurrFormat defines the currency format used in floating-point to decimal conversions of negative numbers. 
A pointer to an empty string. 
A pointer to an empty wide string. 
ShortDateFormat is the format string used to convert a date value to a short string suitable for editing. 
ShortDayNames is the array of strings containing short day names. The ddd format specifier in a format string passed to FormatDateTime causes a short day name to be substituted. 
ShortMonthNames is the array of strings containing short month names. The mmm format specifier in a format string passed to FormatDateTime causes a short month name to be substituted. 
ShortTimeFormat is the format string used to convert a time value to a short string with only hours and minutes. 
SysLocale holds locale information. 
ThousandSeparator is the character used to separate thousands in numbers with more than three digits to the left of the decimal separator. 
TimeAMString is the suffix string used for time values between 00:00 and 11:59 in 12-hour clock format. 
TimePMString is the suffix string used for time values between 12:00 and 23:59 in 12-hour clock format. 
TimeSeparator is the character used to separate the hour, minute, and second parts of a time value. 
Lists strings that can represent the boolean value false. 
Determines what century is added to two-digit years when string dates are converted to numeric dates. 
Specifies which the build level of the Windows Operating System operating. 
Specifies the Win32 latest installed service pack. 
Specifies which major Windows Operating System version is operating. 
Specifies which minor Windows Operating System version is operating. 
Specifies the Windows Operating System platform identifier. 
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