RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils.StrLCopy Function

Copies up to a specified maximum number of characters from Source to Dest.

function StrLCopy(Dest: PChar; const Source: PChar; MaxLen: Cardinal): PChar;
const char * StrLCopy(const char * Dest, const const char * Source, unsigned MaxLen);


StrLCopy copies at most MaxLen characters from Source to Dest, then adds a null terminator to Dest and returns Dest. The SizeOf standard function (Delphi) or the sizeof operator (C++) can be used to determine the MaxLen parameter. Usually MaxLen equals SizeOf(Dest)-1.

Note: StrLCopy copies a null terminator as well as MaxLen characters. Be sure that Dest is large enough to accommodate the null terminator at the end.

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