RAD Studio VCL Reference
SysUtils.FileAge Function

Returns the OS timestamp of a file.

function FileAge(const FileName: string): Integer; overload; deprecated;
function FileAge(const FileName: string; out FileDateTime: TDateTime): Boolean; overload;
int FileAge(const AnsiString FileName);
Boolean FileAge(const AnsiString FileName, TDateTime FileDateTime);


Call FileAge to obtain the OS timestamp of the file specified by FileName. The return value can be converted to a TDateTime object using the FileDateToDateTime function. The return value is -1 if the file does not exist.

Note: :Under Linux, -1 is a valid timestamp. Use FileExists to verify that the file does not exist.

C++ Examples: 


The following code reads a file's attributes into a set
variable, sets the check boxes in a file-attribute dialog
box to represent the current attributes, then executes the
dialog box. If the user changes and accepts any dialog box
settings, the code sets the file attributes to match the
changed settings:
#include "fattrdlg.h"

void __fastcall TForm1::FileListMouseUp(TObject *Sender, TMouseButton Button,
      TShiftState Shift, int X, int Y)

  unsigned short  Attributes;
  unsigned short  NewAttributes;

  FileAttrDlg->FileDirName->Caption = FileList->Items->Strings[FileList->ItemIndex];
  FileAttrDlg->FilePathName->Caption = FileList->Directory;
  FileAttrDlg->ChangeDate->Caption = DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileList->FileName)));
  Attributes = FileGetAttr(FileList->Items->Strings[FileList->ItemIndex]);
  FileAttrDlg->ReadOnly->Checked = Attributes & faReadOnly;
  FileAttrDlg->Archive->Checked = Attributes & faArchive;
  FileAttrDlg->System->Checked = Attributes & faSysFile;
  FileAttrDlg->Hidden->Checked = Attributes & faHidden;
  if (FileAttrDlg->ShowModal()!= mrCancel){
     NewAttributes = Attributes;
     if (FileAttrDlg->ReadOnly->Checked)
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes | faReadOnly;
        NewAttributes = NewAttributes & ~faReadOnly;

     if (FileAttrDlg->Archive->Checked)
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes | faArchive;
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes & ~faArchive;

     if (FileAttrDlg->System->Checked)
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes | faSysFile;
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes & ~faSysFile;

     if (FileAttrDlg->Hidden->Checked)
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes | faHidden;
       NewAttributes = NewAttributes  & ~faHidden;
     if (NewAttributes != Attributes)
       FileSetAttr(FileAttrDlg->FileDirName->Caption, NewAttributes);


Delphi Examples: 

The following code reads a file's attributes into a set
variable, sets the check boxes in a file-attribute dialog
box to represent the current attributes, then executes the
dialog box. If the user changes and accepts any dialog box
settings, the code sets the file attributes to match the
changed settings:
procedure TForm1.FileListMouseUp(Sender: TObject; Button: TMouseButton;
  Shift: TShiftState; X, Y: Integer);
  Attributes, NewAttributes: Word;
  with FileAttrForm do
    FileDirName.Caption := FileList.Items[FileList.ItemIndex];
    { set box caption }
    FilePathName.Caption := FileList.Directory;
    { show directory name }
    ChangeDate.Caption := DateTimeToStr(FileDateToDateTime(FileAge(FileList.FileName)));
    Attributes := SysUtils.FileGetAttr(FileDirName.Caption);
    { read file attributes }
    ReadOnly.Checked := (Attributes and SysUtils.faReadOnly) = faReadOnly;
    Archive.Checked := (Attributes and faArchive) = faArchive;
    System.Checked := (Attributes and faSysFile) = faSysFile;
    Hidden.Checked := (Attributes and faHidden) = faHidden;
    if ShowModal <> id_Cancel then    { execute dialog box }
      NewAttributes := Attributes;
      { start with original attributes }
      if ReadOnly.Checked then
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes or SysUtils.faReadOnly
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes and not SysUtils.faReadOnly;
      if Archive.Checked then
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes or faArchive
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes and not faArchive;
      if System.Checked then
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes or faSysFile
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes and not faSysFile;
      if Hidden.Checked then 
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes or faHidden
        NewAttributes := NewAttributes and not faHidden;
      if NewAttributes <> Attributes then { if anything changed... }
        FileSetAttr(FileDirName.Caption, NewAttributes);
         { ...write the new values }


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