RAD Studio VCL Reference
TStrings.Names Property

Indicates the name part of strings that are name-value pairs.

property Names [Index: Integer]: string;
__property AnsiString Names[int Index];

When the list of strings for the TStrings object includes strings that are name-value pairs, read Names to access the name part of a string. Names is the name part of the string at Index, where 0 is the first string, 1 is the second string, and so on. If the string is not a name-value pair, Names contains an empty string.  

C++ Examples: 


The following example updates the strings in a list box
given the strings contained in another list box. If a string
in the source list box has the form Name=Value and the
destination list box contains a string with the same Name
part, the Value part in the destination list box will be
replaced by the source’s value.  TListBox objects that are
not name-value pairs are not assigned a Name and IndexOfName
will return -1.  TStrings Values are referenced using the
name AnsiString as an index.
void MergeStrings(TStrings *Dest, TStrings *Source)
  for (int i = 0; i < Source->Count; i++)
    if (Source->Strings[i].Pos("=") > 1)
      int DI = Dest->IndexOfName(Source->Names[i]);
      if (DI > -1)
        Dest->Values[Source->Names[i]] = Source->Values[Source->Names[i]];

void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender)

void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender)
  ListBox1->Items->Add("Plants = 10");
  ListBox1->Items->Add("Animals = 20");
  ListBox1->Items->Add("Minerals = 15");
  ListBox2->Items->Add("Animals = 4");
  ListBox2->Items->Add("Plants = 3");
  ListBox2->Items->Add("Minerals = 78");


Delphi Examples: 

The following example updates the strings in a list box
given the strings contained in another list box. If a string
in the source list box has the form Name=Value and the
destination list box contains a string with the same Name
part, the Value part in the destination list box will be
replaced by the source’s value.  TListBox objects that are
not name-value pairs are not assigned a Name and IndexOfName
will return -1.
procedure MergeStrings(Dest, Source: TStrings);
  I, DI: Integer;
  for I := 0 to Source.Count - 1 do
    if Pos ('=', Source[I]) > 1 then
      DI := Dest.IndexOfName(Source.Names[I]);
      if DI > -1 then Dest[DI] := Source[I];

procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
  MergeStrings(ListBox1.Items, ListBox2.Items);

procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject);
  ListBox1.Items.Add('Plants = 10');
  ListBox1.Items.Add('Animals = 20');
  ListBox1.Items.Add('Minerals = 15');
  ListBox2.Items.Add('Animals = 4');
  ListBox2.Items.Add('Plants = 3');
  ListBox2.Items.Add('Minerals = 78');


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