RAD Studio VCL Reference
Classes Namespace

This is namespace Classes.

The following table lists classes in this documentation. 
The following table lists interfaces in this documentation. 
The following table lists functions in this documentation. 
The following table lists structs, records, enums in this documentation. 
The following table lists types in this documentation. 
The following table lists variables in this documentation. 
The following table lists constants in this documentation. 
EBitsError is the exception class for invalid attempts to access an array of boolean values. 
EClassNotFound is the exception class for the failure to find a specified component when reading from a stream. 
EComponentError is the exception class for registering and renaming components. 
EFCreateError is the exception class for streaming file-creation errors. 
EFilerError is the exception class for component stream errors. 
EFileStreamError is the exception class for general stream errors. 
EFOpenError is the exception class for file-opening errors during streaming. 
EInvalidImage is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to read resources. 
EInvalidOperation is the exception class for invalid operations on a component. 
EListError is the exception class for list and string errors. 
Deprecated, please use EReadError
EOutOfResources is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to allocate handles. 
EParserError is the exception class for text-to-binary streaming conversion errors. 
EReadError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to read data from a stream. 
EResNotFound is the exception class for unlocatable resources. 
EStreamError is the exception class for streaming errors. 
EStringListError is the exception class for invalid listbox references. 
EThread is the exception class for thread synchronization errors. 
EWriteError is the exception class for unsuccessful attempts to write data to a stream. 
TBasicAction is the ancestor class for all action objects. 
TBasicActionLink is the base class for action link classes that handle the communication between actions and clients. 
TBits stores an array of Boolean values. 
This is class Classes.TClassFinder. 
TCollection is a container for TCollectionItem objects. 
Enumerates through the TCollectionItems in a TCollection object. 
TCollectionItem represents an item in a collection. 
TComponent is the common ancestor of all component classes. 
TComponentEnumerator allows the components within a containing component to be discovered. 
TCustomMemoryStream is an abstract base class used as the common ancestor for memory streams. 
TDataModule centralizes the handling of nonvisual components in an application. 
TFiler is the abstract base class for reader and writer objects, which are used for loading and saving components and their properties. 
TFileStream enables applications to read from and write to a file on disk. 
THandleStream enables applications to read from and write to communications resources identified by a handle. 
TInterfacedPersistent is an ancestor for persistent objects that implement interfaces. 
TInterfaceList represents a list of interfaces. 
Enumerates through the IInterfaces in a TInterfaceList
TList stores an array of pointers. 
Enumerates through the objects in a TList
TMemoryStream is a stream that stores its data in dynamic memory. 
TOwnedCollection is a collection that maintains information about its owner. 
TParser allows DFM files to be parsed. 
TPersistent is the ancestor for all objects that have assignment and streaming capabilities. 
TReader is a specialized filer that reads component data from an associated stream. 
TRecall stores the properties of a persistent object so that they can be restored at a later time. 
TResourceStream is a memory stream that provides access to the compiled resources in an application. 
TStream is the base class type for stream objects that can read from or write to various kinds of storage media, such as disk files, dynamic memory, and so on. 
TStreamAdapter implements the IStream interface on a TStream object. 
TStringList maintains a list of strings. 
TStrings is the base class for objects that represent a list of strings. 
Enumerates through the strings of a TStrings object. 
TStringStream provides file-like access to information stored as a long string. 
TThread is an abstract class that enables creation of separate threads of execution in an application. 
TThreadList represents a thread-safe list. 
TWriter is a specialized filer object that writes data to its associated stream. 
Specifies a file to be created with a specific name. 
Defines the maximum capacity of certain list classes and types. 
Specifies that the Alt key was pressed in a short cut menu. 
Specifies that the Ctrl key was pressed in a short cut menu. 
Specifies that none of the Shift, Ctrl or Alt keys were pressed in a short cut menu. 
Specifies that the Shift was pressed in a short cut menu. 
Specifies that a stream seek operation should move relative to the stream beginning. 
Specifies that a stream seek operation should move relative to the current position. 
Specifies that a stream seek operation should move relative to the stream end. 
Specifies a TParser End of file token. 
Specifies a TParser floating point number token. 
Specifies a TParser integer token. 
Specifies a TParser string token. 
Specifies a TParser symbol token. 
Specifies a TParser wide string token. 
Activates a group of classes that derive from TPersistent
Activates a group of classes that derive from TPersistent
DeallocateHWnd is used to destroy a hidden window created using AllocateHWnd. 
AncestorIsValid determines if one component is an ancestor of another. 
This is function Classes.BeginGlobalLoading. 
Converts a binary value into its hexadecimal representation. 
Creates a TRect structure from the top-left coordinate, and width and height values of a rectangle. 
Allows background threads to synchronize their execution with the main thread. 
Returns the group of persistent classes a specified class or instance belongs to. 
Returns the group of persistent classes a specified class or instance belongs to. 
Compares the contents of two collections. 
Returns the number of intermediate classes between a derived class and its ancestor. 
Frees a window that was created using AllocateHWnd
This is function Classes.EndGlobalLoading. 
Fills a string list with substrings parsed from a delimited list. 
Finds and returns a class that is derived from TPersistent
Returns a top-level container component. 
Returns the TIdentToInt conversion routine for a given data type. 
Returns the TIntToIdent conversion routine for a given data type. 
FindNestedComponent returns a component contained within another. 
This is function Classes.FindRootDesigner. 
This is function Classes.FreeObjectInstance. 
Returns a registered persistent class given its name. 
This is function Classes.GetFixupInstanceNames. 
This is function Classes.GetFixupReferenceNames. 
Returns the top-level owner of a specified persistent object. 
Returns the top-level owner of a specified persistent object. 
Returns the top-level owner of a specified persistent object. 
This is function Classes.GlobalFixupReferences. 
Adds a specified class to the group in which another class appears. 
Converts a string of hexadecimal digits to the corresponding binary value. 
Uses a mapping array to convert string identifiers into their corresponding integer values. 
This is function Classes.InitComponentRes. 
Initializes streaming of a form file for an inherited root class. 
Uses a mapping array to convert integers into their corresponding string identifiers. 
Indicates whether a specified point is equal to (-1,-1). 
Indicates whether a specified point is equal to (-1,-1). 
Indicates whether a specified point is equal to (-1,-1). 
This is function Classes.IsDefaultPropertyValue. 
Indicates whether a proposed component name is unambiguous. 
Finds the end of the last whole line in a buffer. 
This is function Classes.MakeObjectInstance. 
This is function Classes.NotifyGlobalLoading. 
Converts the binary representation of an object into more readily understandable text. 
Converts the binary representation of an object into more readily understandable text. 
Converts the binary representation of an object resource into more readily understandable text. 
Converts the binary representation of an object resource into more readily understandable text. 
Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into the binary version that is used to save the object to files or memory streams. 
Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into the binary version that is used to save the object to files or memory streams. 
Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into an internal binary representation. 
Converts a symbolic text representation of an object into an internal binary representation. 
Creates a TPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. 
Indicates whether two points have the same coordinates. 
Indicates whether two points have the same coordinates. 
Reads components and their properties from a specified resource. 
Reads a component from a resource. 
Reads components and their properties from a specified Windows resource file. 
Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. 
Creates a TRect structure from a set of coordinates. 
This is function Classes.RedirectFixupReferences. 
Registers a class of persistent object so that it's class type can be retrieved. 
Registers a class that is identical to another class except for the name. 
Registers a set of classes. 
Registers a set of components so that they all appear on the same page of the component palette. 
This is function Classes.RegisterFindGlobalComponentProc. 
Registers conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. 
Registers a set of components but does not add them to the component palette. 
Prevents a set of components from being made available to the ActiveX wizard. 
This is function Classes.RemoveFixupReferences. 
This is function Classes.RemoveFixups. 
Creates a TSmallPoint structure from a pair of coordinates. 
Starts a class group derived from TPersistent
Identifies the format of a form file when reading it from a stream. 
Unregisters an object class. 
Unregisters a set of classes. 
This is function Classes.UnregisterFindGlobalComponentProc. 
Unregisters conversion functions for string identifiers that represent type values. 
Unregisters all classes defined in a specified module. 
Writes components and their properties to a file using a resource file format. 
IDesignerNotify is the interface for responding to notifications about changes to components in the designer. 
IInterfaceComponentReference is the interface for responding to requests for retrieving components. 
IInterfaceList provides access to a list of interfaces. 
IStreamPersist is the interface for responding to requests to load/save an object from/to a persistent stream. 
This is class Classes.IStringsAdapter. 
IVarStreamable is the interface for loading and saving the values of Variants
This is class Classes.IVCLComObject. 
TActiveXRegType is used when excluding a component class from the ActiveX Wizard. 
TAlignment specifies how text is aligned within a control. 
TBiDiMode specifies the reading order (bidirectional mode) of a control. 
TCollectionNotification indicates the type of change that is made to the items in a collection. 
TDuplicates indicates the response when an application attempts to add a duplicate entry to a list. 
TFilerFlag indicates information about how a filer should read or write a component and TFilerFlags is a set of TFilerFlag values. 
THelpType indicates whether components invoke the help system using a context ID or a keyword. 
TIdentMapEntry is used to perform ident string to integer value mapping. 
TListAssignOp indicates how two lists should be merged. 
TListNotification defines list processing action types. 
TOperation represents the types of operations whose occurrence is broadcast by the Notification method. 
TSeekOrigin indicates where to start a seek operation. 
TStreamOriginalFormat indicates the format in which a form file is saved. 
TStreamOwnership indicates whether a stream object should be freed by the object that uses it. 
TStringItem defines a TStringList entry. 
This is record Classes.TSynchronizeRecord. 
TThreadPriority indicates the scheduling priority of a thread object on Windows. 
TValueType defines the kinds of values written to and read from filer objects. 
TVerticalAlignment specifies how text is vertically aligned within a control. 
PPointerList is a pointer to a TPointerList type. 
PStringItem is a TStringItem pointer. 
PStringItemList is a TStringItemList pointer. 
This is type Classes.PSynchronizeRecord. 
TAncestorNotFoundEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnAncestorNotFound event. 
TBasicActionClass defines the metaclass for TBasicAction
TBasicActionLinkClass defines the metaclass for TBasicActionLink
TCollectionItemClass defines the metaclass for TCollectionItem
TComponentClass defines the metaclass for TComponent
TComponentName is the type for the Name property of all components. 
TComponentState is a set of flags that describe the current state of a component. 
TComponentStyle is a set of flags that describe the current Style of a component. 
TCreateComponentEvent is a type of procedure called by the TReader class OnCreateComponentEvent event. 
TFilerFlags is the set of TFilerFlag values. 
TFindAncestorEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindAncestor event. 
This is type Classes.TFindComponentClassEvent. 
This is type Classes.TFindComponentInstanceEvent. 
This is type Classes.TFindGlobalComponent. 
TFindMethodEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethod event. 
TFindMethodInstanceEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnFindMethodInstance event. 
TFindMethodNameEvent is a procedure called by the TWriter class OnFindMethodName event. 
TGetChildProc is a type of procedure called used internally by the TComponent class. 
TGetClass is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. 
This is type Classes.TGetLookupInfoEvent. 
This is type Classes.TGetModuleProc. 
TGetStrProc is a general purpose type of callback procedure invoked for each of a set of strings. 
THelpContext is the range of values that a HelpContext value may have. 
TIdentToInt is a type of callback function used by the IdentToInt routine. 
TIntToIdent is a type of callback function used by the IntToIdent routine. 
TIsUniqueGlobalComponentName is a type of function used by IsUniqueGlobalComponentName
TLeftRight is a subset of TAlignment that allows left or right justification. 
TListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TList class. 
TNotifyEvent is used for events that do not require parameters. 
TParserErrorEvent is a callback procedure used by the TClassFinder class. 
TPersistentClass defines the metaclass for TPersistent
TPointerList is an array of pointers. 
TReadComponentsProc is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. 
TReaderError is a type of callback procedure called used internally by the TReader class ReadComponents method. 
TReaderProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. 
TReferenceNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnReferenceNameEvent event. 
TSetNameEvent is a procedure called by the TReader class OnSetNameEvent event. 
TShiftState indicates the state of the Alt, Ctrl, and Shift keys and the mouse buttons. 
TStringsDefined defines an enumeration of string delimiter names. 
TStreamProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineBinaryProperty methods. 
TStringItemList defines an array of TStringItems. 
TStringListSortCompare is a type of callback function called used internally by the TStringList class. 
This is type Classes.TStringsDefined. 
This is type Classes.TThreadMethod. 
TTopBottom is a subset of TVerticalAlignment that allows top or bottom alignment. 
TWndMethod is the type for Windows message procedures. 
TWriterProc is a type of callback procedure called used by TFiler and descendant DefineProperty methods. 
Defines a procedure to be called when a TDataModule class is created. 
This is variable Classes.ApplicationHandleException. 
This is variable Classes.ApplicationShowException. 
This is variable Classes.CreateVCLComObjectProc. 
Keeps track of which objects are associated with which packages. 
This is variable Classes.GlobalNameSpace. 
IsUniqueGlobalComponentNameProc is called by IsUniqueGlobalComponentName
RegisterComponentsProc is called by RegisterComponents
RegisterNoIconProc is called by RegisterNoIcon
RegisterNonActiveXProc is called by RegisterNonActiveX
Defines a procedure to be called when a TDataModule class is destroyed. 
Represents a method (event handler) that is forced into the main thread’s queue. 
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