RAD Studio
Working with Frames

A frame (TFrame), like a form, is a container for other components. It uses the same ownership mechanism as forms for automatic instantiation and destruction of the components on it, and the same parent-child relationships for synchronization of component properties. 

In some ways, however, a frame is more like a customized component than a form. Frames can be saved on the Tool palette for easy reuse, and they can be nested within forms, other frames, or other container objects. After a frame is created and saved, it continues to function as a unit and to inherit changes from the components (including other frames) it contains. When a frame is embedded in another frame or form, it continues to inherit changes made to the frame from which it derives. 

Frames are useful to organize groups of controls that are used in multiple places in your application. For example, if you have a bitmap that is used on multiple forms, you can put it in a frame and only one copy of that bitmap is included in the resources of your application. You could also describe a set of edit fields that are intended to edit a table with a frame and use that whenever you want to enter data into the table. 

Creating frames 

Using and modifying frames 

Sharing frames 

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