RAD Studio
Loading and Saving String Lists

String-list objects provide SaveToFile and LoadFromFile methods that let you store a string list in a text file and load a text file into a string list. Each line in the text file corresponds to a string in the list. Using these methods, you could, for example, create a simple text editor by loading a file into a memo component, or save lists of items for combo boxes. 

The following example loads a copy of the MyFile.ini file into a memo field and makes a backup copy called MyFile.bak.

procedure EditWinIni;
var  FileName: string;{ storage for file name }
begin  FileName := 'c:\Program Files\MyProgram\MyFile.ini'{ set the file name }

  with Form1.Memo1.Lines do   begin
    LoadFromFile(FileName);{ load from file }
    SaveToFile(ChangeFileExt(FileName, '.bak'));{ save into backup file }


void __fastcall EditWinIni()
  AnsiString FileName = "C:\\Program Files\\MyFile.ini";
  Form1->Memo1->Lines->LoadFromFile(FileName);      // load from file


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