RAD Studio
Scroll Boxes

Scroll boxes (TScrollBox) create scrolling areas within a form. Applications often need to display more information than will fit in a particular area. Some controls—such as list boxes, memos, and forms themselves—can automatically scroll their contents. 

Another use of scroll boxes is to create multiple scrolling areas (views) in a window. Views are common in commercial word-processor, spreadsheet, and project management applications. Scroll boxes give you the additional flexibility to define arbitrary scrolling subregions of a form. 

Like panels and group boxes, scroll boxes contain other controls, such as TButton and TCheckBox objects. But a scroll box is normally invisible. If the controls in the scroll box cannot fit in its visible area, the scroll box automatically displays scroll bars. 

Another use of a scroll box is to restrict scrolling in areas of a window, such as a toolbar or status bar (TPanel components). To prevent a toolbar and status bar from scrolling, hide the scroll bars, and then position a scroll box in the client area of the window between the toolbar and status bar. The scroll bars associated with the scroll box will appear to belong to the window, but will scroll only the area inside the scroll box.


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