RAD Studio
Creating Packages and DLLs

Dynamic link libraries (DLLs) are modules of compiled code that work in conjunction with an executable to provide functionality to an application. You can create DLLs in cross-platform programs. However, on Linux, DLLs (and packages) recompile as shared objects. 

DLLs and libraries should handle all exceptions to prevent the display of errors and warnings through Windows dialogs. 

The following compiler directives can be placed in library project files:  

Compiler directives for libraries  

Compiler Directive 
{$LIBPREFIX 'string'}  
Adds a specified prefix to the output file name. For example, you could specify {$LIBPREFIX 'dcl'} for a design-time package, or use {$LIBPREFIX''} to eliminate the prefix entirely.  
{$LIBSUFFIX 'string'}  
Adds a specified suffix to the output file name before the extension. For example, use {$LIBSUFFIX '-2.1.3'} in something.pas to generate something-2.1.3.bpl.  
{$LIBVERSION 'string'}  
Adds a second extension to the output file name after the .bpl extension. For example, use {$LIBVERSION '2.1.3'} in something.pas to generate something.bpl.2.1.3.  

Packages are special DLLs used by Delphi applications, the IDE, or both. There are two kinds of packages: runtime packages and design-time packages. Runtime packages provide functionality to a program while that program is running. Design-time packages extend the functionality of the IDE. 

For more information on packages, see Working with packages and components.

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