When the command provided by GetVerb is selected in the designer, the ExecuteVerb method is called. For every command you provide in the GetVerb method, implement an action in the ExecuteVerb method. You can access the component that is being edited using the Component property of the editor.
For example, the following ExecuteVerb method implements the commands for the GetVerb method in the previous example.
procedure TMyEditor.ExecuteVerb(Index: Integer); var MySpecialDialog: TMyDialog; begin case Index of 0: begin MyDialog := TMySpecialDialog.Create(Application); { instantiate the editor } if MySpecialDialog.Execute then; { if the user OKs the dialog... } MyComponent.FThisProperty := MySpecialDialog.ReturnValue; { ...use the value } MySpecialDialog.Free; { destroy the editor } end; 1: That; { call the That method } end; end;
void __fastcall TMyEditor::ExecuteVerb(int Index) { switch (Index) { case 0: TMyDialog *MySpecialDialog = new TMyDialog(); MySpecialDialog->Execute(); ((TMyComponent *)Component)->ThisProperty = MySpecialDialog->ReturnValue; delete MySpecialDialog; break; case 1: That(); // call the "That" method break; } }
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