RAD Studio
Specifying Menu Items

Override the GetVerbCount method to return the number of commands you are adding to the context menu. Override the GetVerb method to return the strings that should be added for each of these commands. When overriding GetVerb, add an ampersand (&) to a string to cause the following character to appear underlined in the context menu and act as a shortcut key for selecting the menu item. Be sure to add an ellipsis (...) to the end of a command if it brings up a dialog. GetVerb has a single parameter that indicates the index of the command. 

The following code overrides the GetVerbCount and GetVerb methods to add two commands to the context menu.

function TMyEditor.GetVerbCount: Integer;
  Result := 2;
function TMyEditor.GetVerb(Index: Integer): String;
  case Index of
    0: Result := '&DoThis ...';
    1: Result := 'Do&That';


int __fastcall TMyEditor::GetVerbCount(void)
return 2;
System::AnsiString __fastcall TMyEditor::GetVerb(int Index)
switch (Index)
case 0: return "&DoThis ..."; break;
case 1: return "Do&That"; break;

Note: Be sure that your GetVerb method returns a value for every possible index indicated by GetVerbCount.

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