RAD Studio
Rave Component Overview

This section provides an overview of the Rave Reports components. For detailed component information, see the documentation listed in Getting more information.

The VCL components for Rave Reports are non-visual components that you add to a form in your VCL application. They are available on the Rave category of the Tool palette. There are four categories of components: engine, render, data connection and Rave project.

The Engine components are used to generate reports. Reports can be generated from a pre-defined visual definition (using the Engine property of TRvProject) or by making calls to the Rave code-based API library from within the OnPrint event. The engine components are:

  1. TRvNDRWriter
  2. TRvSystem

The Render components are used to convert an NDR file (Rave snapshot report file) or a stream generated from TRvNDRWriter to a variety of formats. Rendering can be done programmatically or added to the standard setup and preview dialogs of TRvSystem by dropping a render component on an active form or data module within your application. The render components are:

  1. TRvRenderPreview
  2. TRvRenderPrinter
  3. TRvRenderPDF
  4. TRvRenderHTML
  5. TRvRenderRTF
  6. TRvRenderText

The Data Connection components provide the link between application data and the Direct Data Views in visually designed Rave reports. The data connection components are:

  1. TRvCustomConnection
  2. TRvDataSetConnection
  3. TRvTableConnection
  4. TRvQueryConnection

The TRvProject component interfaces with and executes visually designed Rave reports within an application. Normally a TRvSystem component would be assigned to the Engine property. The reporting project (.rav) should be specified in the ProjectFile property or loaded into the DFM using the StoreRAV property. Project parameters can be set using the SetParam method and reports can be executed using the ExecuteReport method.

The following components are available in the Rave Visual Designer.

The Project toolbar provides the essential building blocks for all reports. The project components are:

  1. TRaveProjectManager
  2. TRaveReport
  3. TRavePage

Data objects connect to data or control access to reports from the Rave Reporting Server. The FileNew Data Object menu command displays the Data Connections dialog box, which you can use to create each of the data objects. The data object components are:

  1. TRaveDatabase
  2. TRaveDriverDataView
  3. TRaveDirectDataView
  4. TRaveSimpleSecurity
  5. TRaveLookupSecurity

The Standard toolbar provides components that are frequently used when designing reports. The standard components are:

  1. TRaveText
  2. TRaveMemo
  3. TRaveSection
  4. TRaveBitmap
  5. TRaveMetaFile
  6. TRaveFontMaster
  7. TRavePageNumInit

The Drawing toolbar provides components to create lines and shapes in a report. To color and style the components, use the Fills, Lines, and Colors toolbars. The drawing components are:

  1. TRaveLine
  2. TRaveHLine
  3. TRaveVLine
  4. TRaveSquare
  5. TRaveRectangle
  6. TRaveCircle
  7. TRaveEllipse

The Report toolbar provides components that are used most often in data-aware reports. The report components are:

  1. TRaveRegion
  2. TRaveDataBand
  3. TRaveBand
  4. Band Style Edito
  5. TRaveDataText
  6. DataText Editor
  7. TRaveDataMemo
  8. TRaveCalcText
  9. TRaveDataCycle
  10. TRaveDataMirrorSection
  11. TRaveCalcOp Component
  12. TRaveCalcController
  13. TRaveCalcTotal

The Bar Code toolbar provides different types of bar codes in a report. The bar code components are:

  1. TRavePostNetBarCode
  2. TRaveI2of5Bar Code
  3. TRaveCode39BarCode
  4. TRaveCode128BarCode
  5. TRaveUPCBarCode
  6. TRaveEANBarCode

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