A brush style determines what pattern the canvas uses to fill shapes. It lets you specify various ways to combine the brush’s color with any colors already on the canvas. The predefined styles include solid color, no color, and various line and hatch patterns.
To change the style of a brush, set its Style property to one of the predefined values: bsBDiagonal, bsClear, bsCross, bsDiagCross, bsFDiagonal, bsHorizontal, bsSolid, or bsVertical. Cross-platform applications include the predefined values of bsDense1 through bsDense7.
This example sets brush styles by sharing a click-event handler for a set of eight brush-style buttons. All eight buttons are selected, the Object InspectorEvents
OnClick is set, and the OnClick handler is named SetBrushStyle.
Here is the handler code:
procedure TForm1.SetBrushStyle(Sender: TObject); begin with Canvas.Brush do begin if Sender = SolidBrush then Style := bsSolid else if Sender = ClearBrush then Style := bsClear else if Sender = HorizontalBrush then Style := bsHorizontal else if Sender = VerticalBrush then Style := bsVertical else if Sender = FDiagonalBrush then Style := bsFDiagonal else if Sender = BDiagonalBrush then Style := bsBDiagonal else if Sender = CrossBrush then Style := bsCross else if Sender = DiagCrossBrush then Style := bsDiagCross; end; end;
void __fastcall TForm1::SetBrushStyle(TObject *Sender) { if (Sender == SolidBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsSolid; else if (Sender == ClearBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsClear; else if (Sender == HorizontalBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsHorizontal; else if (Sender == VerticalBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsVertical; else if (Sender == FDiagonalBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsFDiagonal; else if (Sender == BDiagonalBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsBDiagonal; else if (Sender == CrossBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsCross; else if (Sender == DiagCrossBrush) Canvas->Brush->Style = bsDiagCross; }
void __fastcall TForm1::SetBrushStyle(TObject *Sender) { if (Sender->InheritsFrom (__classid(TSpeedButton)) Canvas->Brush->Style = (TBrushStyle) ((TSpeedButton *)Sender)->Tag; }
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