RAD Studio
Intervening as Updates Are Applied

When a client dataset applies its updates, the provider determines how to handle writing the insertions, deletions, and modifications to the database server or source dataset. When you use TClientDataSet with an external provider component, you can use the properties and events of that provider to influence the way updates are applied. These are described in Responding to client update requests

When the provider is internal, however, as it is for any client dataset associated with a data access mechanism, you can't set its properties or provide event handlers. As a result, the client dataset publishes one property and two events that let you influence how the internal provider applies updates.

  • UpdateMode controls what fields are used to locate records in the SQL statements the provider generates for applying updates. UpdateMode is identical to the provider's UpdateMode property. For information on the provider's UpdateMode property, see Influencing how updates are applied.
  • OnGetTableName lets you supply the provider with the name of the database table to which it should apply updates. This lets the provider generate the SQL statements for updates when it can't identify the database table from the stored procedure or query specified by CommandText. For example, if the query executes a multi-table join that only requires updates to a single table, supplying an OnGetTableName event handler allows the internal provider to correctly apply updates. An OnGetTableName event handler has three parameters: the internal provider component, the internal dataset that fetched the data from the server, and a parameter to return the table name to use in the generated SQL.
  • BeforeUpdateRecord occurs for every record in the delta packet. This event lets you make any last-minute changes before the record is inserted, deleted, or modified. It also provides a way for you to execute your own SQL statements to apply the update in cases where the provider can't generate correct SQL (for example, for multi-table joins where multiple tables must be updated.) A BeforeUpdateRecord event handler has five parameters: the internal provider component, the internal dataset that fetched the data from the server, a delta packet that is positioned on the record that is about to be updated, an indication of whether the update is an insertion, deletion, or modification, and a parameter that returns whether the event handler performed the update. The use of these is illustrated in the following event handler. For simplicity, the example assumes the SQL statements are available as global variables that only need field values:

procedure TForm1.SimpleDataSet1BeforeUpdateRecord(Sender: TObject;
  SourceDS: TDataSet; DeltaDS: TCustomClientDataSet; UpdateKind: TUpdateKind;
  var Applied Boolean);
 SQL: string;
 Connection: TSQLConnection;
 Connection := (SourceDS as TSimpleDataSet).Connection;
 case UpdateKind of
    { 1st dataset: update Fields[1], use Fields[0] in where clause }
     SQL := Format(UpdateStmt1, [DeltaDS.Fields[1].NewValue, DeltaDS.Fields[0].OldValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
    { 2nd dataset: update Fields[2], use Fields[3] in where clause }
     SQL := Format(UpdateStmt2, [DeltaDS.Fields[2].NewValue, DeltaDS.Fields[3].OldValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
    { 1st dataset: use Fields[0] in where clause }
     SQL := Format(DeleteStmt1, [DeltaDS.Fields[0].OldValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
    { 2nd dataset: use Fields[3] in where clause }
     SQL := Format(DeleteStmt2, [DeltaDS.Fields[3].OldValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
    { 1st dataset: values in Fields[0] and Fields[1] }
      SQL := Format(InsertStmt1, [DeltaDS.Fields[0].NewValue, DeltaDS.Fields[1].NewValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
    { 2nd dataset: values in Fields[2] and Fields[3] }
     SQL := Format(InsertStmt2, [DeltaDS.Fields[2].NewValue, DeltaDS.Fields[3].NewValue]);
     Connection.Execute(SQL, nil, nil);
 Applied := True;


void __fastcall TForm1::SimpleDataSet1BeforeUpdateRecord(TObject *Sender,
   TDataSet *SourceDS, TCustomClientDataSet *DeltaDS, TUpdateKind UpdateKind, bool &Applied)
  TSQLConnection *pConn := (dynamic_cast<TSimpleDataSet *>(SourceDS)->Connection);
  char buffer[256];
  switch (UpdateKind)
  case ukModify:
    // 1st dataset: update Fields[1], use Fields[0] in where clause
    sprintf(buffer, UpdateStmt1, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[1]->NewValue,
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
    // 2nd dataset: update Fields[2], use Fields[3] in where clause
    sprintf(buffer, UpdateStmt2, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[2]->NewValue,
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
  case ukDelete:
    // 1st dataset: use Fields[0] in where clause
    sprintf(buffer, DeleteStmt1, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[0]->OldValue);
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
    // 2nd dataset: use Fields[3] in where clause
    sprintf(buffer, DeleteStmt2, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[3]->OldValue);
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
  case ukInsert:
    // 1st dataset: values in Fields[0] and Fields[1]
    sprintf(buffer, UpdateStmt1, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[0]->NewValue,
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
    // 2nd dataset: values in Fields[2] and Fields[3]
    sprintf(buffer, UpdateStmt2, DeltaDS->Fields->Fields[2]->NewValue,
    pConn->Execute(buffer, NULL, NULL);
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