To set up a master/detail relationship where the detail set is a query-type dataset, you must specify a query that uses parameters. These parameters refer to current field values on the master dataset. Because the current field values on the master dataset change dynamically at runtime, you must rebind the detail set's parameters every time the master record changes. Although you could write code to do this using an event handler, all query-type datasets except TIBQuery provide an easier mechanism using the DataSource property.
If parameter values for a parameterized query are not bound at design time or specified at runtime, query-type datasets attempt to supply values for them based on the DataSource property. DataSource identifies a different dataset that is searched for field names that match the names of unbound parameters. This search dataset can be any type of dataset. The search dataset must be created and populated before you create the detail dataset that uses it. If matches are found in the search dataset, the detail dataset binds the parameter values to the values of the fields in the current record pointed to by the data source.
To illustrate how this works, consider two tables: a customer table and an orders table. For every customer, the orders table contains a set of orders that the customer made. The Customer table includes an ID field that specifies a unique customer ID. The orders table includes a CustID field that specifies the ID of the customer who made an order.
SELECT CustID, OrderNo, SaleDate FROM Orders WHERE CustID = :ID
Note that the name of the parameter is the same as the name of the field in the master (Customer) table.
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