RAD Studio for Microsoft .NET
dbGo Components Overview

dbGo provides the developers with a powerful and logical object model for programmatically accessing, editing, and updating data from a wide variety of data sources through Microsoft ADO system interfaces. The most common usage of dbGo is to query a table or tables in a relational database, retrieve and display the results in an application, and perhaps allow users to make and save changes to the data. 

The ADO layer of an ADO-based application consists of the latest version of Microsoft ADO, an OLE DB provider or ODBC driver for the data store access, client software for the specific database system used (in the case of SQL databases), a database back-end system accessible to the application (for SQL database systems), and a database. All of these must be accessible to the ADO-based application for it to be fully functional. Microsoft Data Access Components (MDAC) 2.1 or later contains these needed elements. RAD Studio supports MDAC 2.8. 

The dbGo section of the Tool Palette contains the following components that use dbGo to access database information:

Encapsulates a dbGo connection to a database server  
Represents any data available through dbGo, or sends commands to a database accessed through dbGo  
A query-type dataset that encapsulates an SQL statement and enables applications to access the resulting records, if any, from an ADO data store  
A table-type dataset that represents all of the rows and columns of a single database table  
A stored procedure-type dataset that executes a stored procedure defined on a database server  
Represents the ADO Command object, which is used for issuing commands against a data store accessed through an ADO provider  
Represents a dataset retrieved from an ADO data store  
Exposes the functionality of the RDS DataSpace object  

VCL for .NET Overview 

Porting VCL Applications 

Deploying Database Applications for the .NET Framework 

Building a VCL Forms ADO.NET Database Application

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