RAD Studio (Common)
QA Metrics dialog window

Context menuQA Metrics 

Open the Metrics dialog by choosing [Tools | Together | QA Metrics...] from the main menu, or by choosing QA Metrics from the Diagram View, Model View, or class/interface context menus.

Warning: This feature is available for implementation projects only.

Use the Toolbar on the Metrics dialog window to load and save custom metrics sets and to specify which metrics to run on your projects. The Toolbar buttons are described in the table below.  
Load Set 
Opens a file chooser for selecting a .mts file to load a custom set of metrics.  
Save Set As 
Opens a Save dialog for specifying the name and location to save the currently-selected set of metrics as a .mts file.  
Select All 
Checks the boxes for all metrics in the dialog.  
Unselect All 
Unchecks the boxes for all metrics in the dialog.  
Set Defaults 
Resets the selected metrics to correspond to the default set (saved in the default.mts file).  
Find Metrics 
Navigates to the metric whose name starts with the specified string.  
This field indicates the parts of the project that the Metrics will be run against. Use the drop-down arrow to set the Scope for either the current Selection or for the entire Model. When choosing Selection, Metrics are processed only for the diagram, namespace, or class that you selected before invoking the Metrics dialog. If you choose Model, Metrics are processed for the entire project.
Tip: If you have not selected any items in the Diagram or Model View, the Scope option defaults to the entire project. If you want to run Metrics on specific classes, namespaces, or diagrams, make sure you correctly select them before you open the Metrics dialog.  
Selection pane 
The selection pane provides a list of available Metrics, organized by category. Check the boxes for the Metrics that you want to run. Check or clear the box for a category to select or unselect all of the Metrics in the category. As you click on an metric in the selection pane, its corresponding description displays in the lower pane of the dialog box. The descriptions include brief explanations of what the metric looks for, examples of violations, and advice on how to correct the code.  
Options pane 
The set of options vary depending on the selected metric. Where necessary, option controls are explained in the description for the particular metric. Use the toolbar buttons to display properties in the desired manner.
Other options are displayed when applicable to the selected metric.  
Displays the properties of the metric in expandable groups.  
Displays the properies of the metric in alphabetical order.  
Displays property pages, if any.  
Aggregation is always present; Aggregation defines how the metric results are handled. You can select the type of aggregation from the drop-down list (sum, average, maximum, and so on). It is important to note that results are aggregated on each level separately. For example, if you have nested namespaces, only the classes that belong to each namespace are aggregated.  
Runs the selected set of Metrics.  
Discards all changes and closes the dialog box.  
Opens this Help topic.  
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