RAD Studio (Common)
Instantiating a Classifier

In a UML 1.5 design project, you can create an object that instantiates a class or interface from the same or another UML 1.5 design project or any implementation project in the same project group. In an implementation project, you can create an object that instantiates a class or interface from the same project or some UML 1.5 design project or a referenced project. You can create such links by using the Object Inspector or by using Dependency links to shortcuts.

To instantiate a classifier:

  1. On a UML 1.5 class diagram, choose an object.
  2. In the Object Inspector, choose the Instantiates field.
  3. Click the Chooser button. The Choose Type to Instantiate dialog box opens.
  4. In this dialog box, choose a classifier (class or interface).
Tip: Alternatively, draw a Dependency link
from this object to a classifier or its shortcut.

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