RAD Studio (Common)
ASP.NET Deployment Manager

To open the Deployment Manager, right-click the Deployment node in the Project Manager, and then choose the New ASP.NET Deployment option. Use this dialog box to automatically collect all of the .aspx, .asax, web.config, and related assembly files that are needed to deploy your ASP.NET or IntraWeb project.

Specifies file locations and status of Source and Destination files for your ASP.NET deployment.

Source Directory 
Displays the directory where your project is located.  
Choose a target for your deployment, either a folder location or an FTP location. The target is the directory where your executable, .dlls, mark-up files, configuration, and other files that are necessary to run your application will be located.
  • If you choose Folder Location, the Browse for Folder dialog box is displayed. To change a folder location you have chosen, click the button with the ellipsis label (...) to browse again.
  • If you choose FTP Location, the FTP Connection Options dialog box is displayed.
Source Files 
Lists most of the files that you need to include in your deployment directory (such as mark-up files, executables, and config files).
Note: You may need to open the References node for your project (in the Project Manager) and set the Copy Local option to True for some of the .dll files, before you can add them to your project.. (For instance, if you're using BDP, you will have to do this with the Borland.Data.Common.dll and Borland.Data.Provider.dll files.) After you have set the Copy Local option, recompile your project. Now these additional files will show up in the Source list.
To add database-specific drivers, right-click the References node for your project, and then select the Add References option. Choose the driver that corresponds to the database you are using.  
Displays the status of the files that you are going to deploy. Before you deploy the files, their satus is Not Connected. After you select a target destination, the status of these files will change to New.  
Destination Files 
Specifies the target destination for your application deployment and displays files that are already present at that destination.
To move files from the Source Files list to the Destination Files list, right-click the file name, and choose either Copy Selected File(s) to Destination, or Copy All New and Modified Files to the Source Destination. You can also use the icons in the center gutter to copy files to and delete files from the destination list.  
Displays the status of the files that you are deploying. After you deploy your application, the files are listed with a status of Current.  

When you right-click the Deployment Manager, you see the following deployment options.

Re-display the lists, after changes have been made.  
Copy Selected File(s) to Destination 
Copy all of the specified Source files to the Destination directory.  
Delete Selected Destination File(s) 
Delete the selected files from the Destination list.  
Change Destination Filename 
Change the name of a Destination file.  
Copy All New and Modified Files to Destination 
Copy all of the specified Source files to the Destination directory.  
Delete All Destination Files Not in Project 
Delete all files from the destination list, that are not included in the project.  
Show Assembly References 
When selected, the Deployment Manager shows all of the assemblies referenced by the project. The system assemblies are shown, but disabled (grayed). These disabled assemblies can't be deployed.  
External Files... 
Allows you to pick the external files that you want to deploy. The External Files dialog box appears, with a list of check boxes. This list includes the BDP database libraries and the database-specific libraries, since these often need to be deployed with your ASP.NET application. You can add more files to the list using a File Open dialog. The list has a column that indicates the destination subdirectory for each external file. You can edit this destination. Check the boxes next to the libraries that you want to add to your application deployment, and then click the Add button.  
Show Ignored Groups and Files 
Display group and files that you have previously chosen to ignore.  
Ignore Groups 
Choose groups to filter out of the reference list.  
Ignore Files 
Choose files to filter out of the reference list.  
Enable Logging 
Create a log of your application deployment.  
View Log 
View the log created during the deployment of your project.  
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