Returns the successor of an argument.
procedure Succ(X);
Succ( X);
In Delphi code, Succ returns the successor of the argument, X.
X is an expression of an ordinal type (including Int64). The result, of the same type as X, is the successor of X.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example demonstrates how Pred and Succ can be used to manage enumerations. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); type Colors = (RED,BLUE,GREEN); var S: string; begin S := 'The predecessor of 5 is ' + IntToStr(Pred(5)) + #13#10; S := S + 'The successor of 10 is ' + IntToStr(Succ(10)) + #13#10; if Succ(RED) = BLUE then S := S + 'In the type Colors, RED is the predecessor of BLUE.'; MessageDlg(S, mtInformation, [mbOk], 0, mbOk); end;
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