Initializes the random number generator with a random value.
procedure Randomize;
Randomize initializes the built-in random number generator with a random value (obtained from the system clock). The random number generator should be initialized by making a call to Randomize, or by assigning a value to RandSeed.
Do not combine the call to Randomize in a loop with calls to the Random function. Typically, Randomize is called only once, before all calls to Random.
Delphi Examples:
{ This example draws many rectangles of various sizes and colors on a form maximized to fill the entire screen. To run the code, drop a TTimer component on the form and use the object inspector to create the OnTimer and OnActivate event handlers. } var X, Y: Integer; procedure TForm1.FormActivate(Sender: TObject); begin WindowState := wsMaximized; Timer1.Interval := 50; Randomize; end; procedure TForm1.Timer1Timer(Sender: TObject); begin X := Random(Screen.Width - 10); Y := Random(Screen.Height - 10); Canvas.Pen.Color := Random(65535); case Random(5) of 0: Canvas.Pen.Style := psSolid; 1: Canvas.Pen.Style := psDash; 2: Canvas.Pen.Style := psDot; 3: Canvas.Pen.Style := psDashDot; 4: Canvas.Pen.Style := psDashDotDot; end; Canvas.Rectangle(X, Y, X + Random(400), Y + Random(400)); end;
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