RAD Studio VCL Reference
System.Default8087CW Variable

Specifies the Default 8087 control word.

Default8087CW: Word = $1332;
Word Default8087CW = 0x1332;


Default8087CW is the value to which the Floating Point Unit (FPU) control register is set. The FPU control word includes bits that control the FPU's precision, rounding mode, and whether exceptions generate signals if they occur. See Intel's processor documentation for details. 

The Set8087CW procedure allows the programmer to have direct access to the Default8087CW. Setting the floating-point precision and rounding mechanism can be useful if you are reusing old code that is sensitive to the floating-point precision standard used. However, be aware that using this procedure to change the value of the 8087CW will change the behavior of the program's FP calculations. It is the programmer's responsibility to reset it. 


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