Closes a specified file.
procedure FileClose(Handle: Integer);
FileClose(int Handle);
FileClose closes a file given its handle. The handle is obtained when the file is opened using FileOpen or FileCreate.
C++ Examples:
/* The following example uses a button, a string grid, and a Save dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the contents of the string grid are written to the specified file. Additional information is also written to the file so that it can be read easily with the FileRead function. */ #include <dir.h> void __fastcall TForm1::Button1Click(TObject *Sender) { char szFileName[MAXFILE+4]; int iFileHandle; int iLength; if (SaveDialog1->Execute()) { if (FileExists(SaveDialog1->FileName)) { fnsplit(SaveDialog1->FileName.c_str(), 0, 0, szFileName, 0); strcat(szFileName, ".BAK"); RenameFile(SaveDialog1->FileName, szFileName); } iFileHandle = FileCreate(SaveDialog1->FileName); // Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. FileWrite(iFileHandle, (char*)&(StringGrid1->ColCount), sizeof(StringGrid1->ColCount)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, (char*)&(StringGrid1->RowCount), sizeof(StringGrid1->RowCount)); for (int x=0;x<StringGrid1->ColCount;x++) { for (int y=0;y<StringGrid1->RowCount;y++) { // Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. iLength = StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length(); FileWrite(iFileHandle, (char*)&iLength, sizeof(iLength)); FileWrite(iFileHandle, StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].c_str(), StringGrid1->Cells[x][y].Length()); } } FileClose(iFileHandle); } } //--------------------------------------------------------------------------- void __fastcall TForm1::FormCreate(TObject *Sender) { StringGrid1->Cells[1][0] = "Column 1"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][0] = "Column 2"; StringGrid1->Cells[3][0] = "Column 3"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][0] = "Column 4"; StringGrid1->Cells[0][1] = "Row 1"; StringGrid1->Cells[1][1] = "Object"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][1] = "Pascal"; StringGrid1->Cells[3][1] = "is"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][1] = "excellent"; StringGrid1->Cells[0][2] = "Row 2"; StringGrid1->Cells[1][2] = "Delphi"; StringGrid1->Cells[2][2] = "is"; StringGrid1->Cells[4][2] = "RAD"; };
Delphi Examples:
{ The following example uses a button, a string grid, and a Save dialog box on a form. When the button is clicked, the user is prompted for a filename. When the user clicks OK, the contents of the string grid are written to the specified file. Additional information is also written to the file so that it can be read easily with the FileRead function. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var BackupName: string; FileHandle: Integer; StringLen: Integer; X, Y, I: Integer; colCountLength, rowCountLength: Integer; Buffer: PChar; cellString: string; begin if SaveDialog1.Execute then begin if FileExists(SaveDialog1.FileName) then begin BackupName := SysUtils.ExtractFileName(SaveDialog1.FileName); BackupName := ChangeFileExt(BackupName, '.BAK'); if not RenameFile(SaveDialog1.FileName, BackupName) then raise Exception.Create('Unable to create backup file.'); end; FileHandle := FileCreate(SaveDialog1.FileName); { Write out the number of rows and columns in the grid. } colCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.ColCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, Pchar(StringGrid1.ColCount), colCountLength); rowCountLength := SizeOf(StringGrid1.RowCount); FileWrite(FileHandle, PChar(StringGrid1.RowCount), rowCountLength); for X := 0 to StringGrid1.ColCount - 1 do begin for Y := 0 to StringGrid1.RowCount - 1 do begin try { Write out the length of each string, followed by the string itself. } StringLen := Length(StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]); FileWrite(FileHandle, PChar(StringLen), SizeOf(StringLen)); GetMem(Buffer, StringLen); { allocate the buffer } cellString := StringGrid1.Cells[X,Y]; for I := 1 to StringLen do Buffer[I - 1] := cellString[I]; FileWrite(FileHandle, Buffer^, StringLen); finally FreeMem(Buffer, StringLen); end; end; end; FileClose(FileHandle); end; end; procedure TForm1.FormCreate(Sender: TObject); begin with StringGrid1 do begin Cells[1,0] := 'Column 1'; Cells[2,0] := 'Column 2'; Cells[3,0] := 'Column 3'; Cells[4,0] := 'Column 4'; Cells[0,1] := 'Row 1'; Cells[1,1] := 'Object'; Cells[2,1] := 'Pascal'; Cells[3,1] := 'is'; Cells[4,1] := 'excellent'; Cells[0,2] := 'Row 2'; Cells[1,2] := 'Delphi'; Cells[2,2] := 'is'; Cells[4,2] := 'RAD'; end; end;
{ This example uses a file listbox and a regular listbox on a form. The following routine scans through the files listed in the file listbox and lists the sizes of any selected files to the regular list box. To exercise the error condition create a file in the Debug directory, start this application and then delete the file. Now try to list the size of the deleted file. Set the MultiSelect and ExtendedSelect properties on the FileListBox. } procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject); var F: File; i, filehandle: Integer; begin for i := 0 to (FileListBox1.Items.Count - 1) do begin try if FileListBox1.Selected[i] then begin if not FileExists(FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i]) then begin MessageDlg('File: ' + FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i] + ' not found', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Continue; end; filehandle:= FileOpen(FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i], 1); if (filehandle = -1) then begin MessageDlg('File: ' + FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i] + ' cannot be opened with access mode 1.', mtError, [mbOk], 0); Continue; end else FileClose(filehandle); AssignFile(F, FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i]); Reset(F, 1); ListBox1.Items.Add( FileListBox1.Items.Strings[i] + ': ' + IntToStr(FileSize(F))); CloseFile(F); end; finally { do something here } end; end; end;
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