RAD Studio VCL Reference
TSQLStoredProc.NextRecordSet Method

Provides access to a secondary recordset.

function NextRecordSet: TCustomSQLDataSet;
__fastcall TCustomSQLDataSet NextRecordSet();

Call NextRecordSet to obtain secondary datasets when accessing the results of a stored procedure that returns multiple sets of records. Opening the dataset fetches the first set of records. NextRecordSet provides access to the subsequent sets. 

NextRecordSet returns a newly created TCustomSQLDataSet component that provides access to the next set of records. The first time you call NextRecordSet, it returns a dataset for the second set of records. The next call returns a third dataset, and so on, until there are no more sets of records. When there are no additional datasets, NextRecordSet returns nil (Delphi) or NULL (C++). 


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