RAD Studio VCL Reference
IImageProducer Interface

IImageProducer is the interface for accessing the image that an adapter component supplies.

IImageProducer = interface;
__interface IImageProducer;


IImageProducer is the interface used to access the object that supplies an image to server-side script in a WebSnap application. It defines a single method, GetAdapterImage, which returns the interface of the object that is responsible for providing the image. That object may generate the image, or it may simply generate an HREF that addresses the object that generates the image. 

Note that IImageProducer introduces an extra level of indirection when fetching images. IImageProducer is not necessarily the interface of the object that provides the image, it merely retrieves that interface. The reason for this indirection is because the object that implements IImageProducer may work with multiple adapter fields that produce a variety of images, depending on the supplied caption.

Note: In C++, method declarations that use IImageProducer use the _di_IImageProducer type instead. This type is a DelphiInterface wrapper around the IImageProducer interface:
Note: typedef System::DelphiInterface< IImageProducer > _di_IImageProducer;


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